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  请看外电相关报道:A powerful earthquake and repeated aftershocks rattled Hawaii on Sunday. The 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off the west coast of Hawaii, with shaking and power outages felt as far as 150 miles away on the island of Oahu, but no tsunami warnings were in effect.

  报道中的“aftershock”指的是“余震”,即“大地震之后在同一地区发生的一系列小震级的地震”。在日常生活中,aftershock还可表示“余悸”,如:The industry continued to reel from aftershocks of a disastrous year.(工业在遭受灾年重创后依然摇摆不前。)

  另外,报道中的magnitude指的是“震级”,而power outage表示“停电、断电”。

  最后,再提及两个由“after-”构成的合成词。Aftereffect指“余波、(药物的)副作用”,如:“the aftereffects of influenza”(流感遗留下的种种症状);aftermath常指“由事故或战争而引起的后果”,如:famine as an aftermath of drought(旱灾后是饥荒)。
