
浏览 5

According to some talk, the younger generation in Smithville is the most anti-social in history. This seems far from the truth. Young people today as a whole are better, more informed, more ambitious, healthier, and more alert than ever before. Why then, it may be asked, do we witness such restlessness and such anti-social behavior among our young people?
For the answer the citizens of this community must look at themselves. What have they done to improve the life of our youth? How many playgrounds have been built in the last fifteen year? How many swimming pools? How many vocational training projects have been started? How many community-organized youth parties and picnics have been held?
The average citizen will answer that the responsibility for these activities belongs to the schools. But the schools cannot be held responsible for all the free-time activities of all the young people of this community. The job of the schools is formal education, not freetime entertainment.
This community needs a youth center suitable for such activities as picnics, camping, sports, music, art, and theatricals. There could be social and entertaining activities to meet the needs and interests of every member of out school age youth.
Mayor Elmo D. Greely has proposed the formation of a Youth Club as the first step in the direction of a Youth Center. Mayor Greely has called a meeting at the City Hall on Friday, August 15.
56. What does the writer think of the underlined sentence?
A. He thinks it is true. B. He thinks it is not true.
C. He thinks it is partly true. D. He thinks it is nonsense.
57. The main idea of paragraph 2 and 3 is ________.
A. to give us lots of questions to show that the problem is serious
B. that schools should hold the responsibility for education rather than entertainment
C. to analyze the reasons why the youth are anti-social
D. that schools should take more activities or star many vocational training projects
58. The solution to the problem of the youth’s anti-social behavior is ___________.
A. enriching the life of the youth B. taking part in picnics, camping
C. attending a meeting held by Mayor D. needing support from youth
59. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. The anti-social problem, B. The duty of formal education.
C. A Youth Club is Needed. D. A Youth Center is Needed.
Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas--including many common souvenirs -could introduce some of the world’s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment.
Every piece of luggage will be screened or x-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pests and diseases.
You must tick YES on the Inoming Passenger Card(IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material or animal products. In signing the IPC, passengers are making a legal declaration and failure to answer all questions truthfully can have serious consequences.
If you fail to declare or dispose of any quarantine items, or make a false declaration:
* you will get caught;
* you could be fined over A $ 200 on-the-spot; or
* you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and risk up to 10 years imprisonment;
If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia.
60. The reason why you are asked to declare quarantine items on arrival is that _________.
A. too many overseas products could destroy Australia’s tourism industry.
B. animal products are often the cause of various diseases.
C. as is known to us all, bad food can spread diseases easily.
D. these items may carry dangerous pests or diseases into Australia.
61. You need to declare the following things EXCEPT _______ if you have them in your luggage.
A. some metal hairclips B. dried flowers C. some moon-cakes D. a bottle of honey
62. For what purpose is the passage written?
A. To inform the passengers of the law on the exportation of goods.
B. To warn the passengers not to take unsafe goods.
C. To tell the passengers to Australia to have their quarantine items declared.
D. To urge the passengers to protect the agriculture, tourism and environment.
63. If you don’t declare quarantine items, ________.
A. you can probably get away with it
B. you are sure to be discovered and punished
C. you can turn to the customs officers for help
D. you can give them away to a quarantine officer
Today every independent country has a flag that gives them a unique identity. Usually there is a story and meaning behind each flag. The colours used on a national flag are not used simply because they look good--they usually symbolize something about the growth, values and culture of that country. Sometimes colours mean the same thing in different cultures, but they can often mean different things to people in different cultures.
The French flag, sometimes called the "Tricolore", was first used in 1789, after the French Revolution The conclusion of the French Revolution led up to big changes throughout the country. Before the Revolution, there was great unrest because people did not have freedom and had often been treated unfairly. Many people died of starvation. After the Revolution, people had far more freedom, and people were considered equal, and large numbers of people were no longer starving.
The colours red, white and blue used on the flag represent the principles of the Revolution-liberty, equality and friendship. Red represents bravery, revolution strength and blood. All these things were needed to change the country. Blue stands for liberty and justice while white represents peace.
Strengthened by the Revolution, France became a different country soon after, and today, it is still guided by those beliefs. That France’s revolution which was successful in ridding society of inequality had a big effect on many other countries, especially in Europe. Some countries elected to substitute their flags with tricolor flags, after the French. In this way, the French Tricolor has become one of the most influential national flags in history.
The USA was also born from revolution, and its flag, the "Stars and Stripes", represents this. The USA was originally an area owned and occupied by Britain. At that time, there were thirteen states, which is far fewer than the fifty that make up today’s USA. Some people are very unhappy with the bureaucratic way Britain ruled the country, and were quite outspoken about this. American taxpayers could no longer tolerate that they had no say in the government. They desired independence, but the British opposed this. The Americans saw that their freedom was no longer optional and that their independence would not be won by being passive. On 4 July 1776, the American Declaration of Independence was signed. With this, the USA split from Britain and became an autonomous nation with a federal government.
The colours red, white and blue and the stars and stripes on the American flag are all very symbolic. Red represents strength and bravery; white represents purity and innocence; blue stands for hard work and justice. There are fifty stars on the American flag, one for each state. The thirteen stripes represent the original thirteen states that joined together to fight for independence.
Each year, on 4 July, the USA celebrates Independence Day when the Stars and Stripes" can be seen all over the country, lit by fireworks in the night sky.
64. The passage is mainly about
A. national flags, colours and cultures B. different colours and cultures
C. colours and national flags D. revolution, cultures and colours
65. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Red represents bravery and strength both in France and the USA
B. Blue stands for liberty and justice in the USA but hard work and justice in France.
C. Colours Clours on national flags usually stand for special things of the countries.
D. Generally every national flag has its own story.
66. If a country is newly born in Europe from revolution, how would it be likely to
design its national flag?
A. In three colours, after the USA B. With stars and stripes.
C. In three colours with stars and stripes. D. In three colours, following France.
