2009年高考英语语法精要讲解二十八: 特殊疑问句

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  ● what…like ? ①人或事物的外观特征;②天气
  What’s your brother like ? (长相或人品)
  What’s t the weather like today ?
  How do you like the film ?
  What do you like ?
  ● what time / date / year …
  --What’s the date today ?
   -- (It’s) October 15.
  --What date will he arrive ?
  -- (He’ll arrive) on October 15.
  ● what…for ? = why
  --What’s it for ?
  --(it’s for) cutting grass.
  --What did you do that for ?
  -- Because I wanted to save time.
  ( To save time.)
  ●what kind(s) / sort(s) of…?
  What kind of picture(s) do you like best ?
  ●what size
  --What size shoes do you take ?
  -- (Size) 41.
  ●what height / length / depth / age
  →how high / long / deep / old
  What’s the height of that mountain ?
  What height is that mountain ?
  How high is that mountain ?
  ●which day /month / year…? (比when更具体)
  -- Don’t forget his birthday ?
  -- I won’t. Which /What day is it ?
  ●which / what /who 比较
  which 更具体,或用which one
  Which book are you going to buy ?(哪本书)
  What book are you going to buy ?(哪种书)
  Who do you like best ?
  Which one do you like best, Tom or Jack ?
  ●Why not (don’t you) buy a new coat ?
  ●--Let s set out tonight.
  --Yes, why not.
  ●How is your mother ?
  How is your mother getting along ?
  ●How is the weather there ?
  What’s the weather like today ?
  ●How do you find the film ?
  How do you like the film?
  How / What about the film ?
  What do you think of the film?
  ●--How often do you go to the zoo ?
  --Once every two months.
  ●--How soon will you be ready to start ?
  -- In two days .
  ●How far is it from here to the airport ?
  -- I want to leave this parcel.
  --Who for ? ( leave sth for sb)
  ②else跟在疑问词后 (which 和whose 除外)
  Where else did you go ?
  ③用do 作简略回答
  --Who wants a lift ? (搭便车)
  -- I do.
  --How many students understood this ?
  --They all did.
  ④用ever, on earth 或 in the world 放在疑问词后强调
  Where on earth / in the world / ever did you pick that up ?
