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  第一部分 听力理解(共两节,满分30分)(略)
  第二部分 知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
  第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  21.The boss wanted an assistant with knowledge of French and work experience.
  A.a;不填 B.the;he C.a;the D.the;不填
  22.It is a set rule that all payments ______ be made by the end of the month.
  A.will B.shall C.can D.may
  23.-Will you join us in the game?
  -Thank you, _________ I'm busy preparing for my examinations.
   but why not? B. but I'd rather not. C. and I won't. D. and I'll join.
  24.---Where did you find the wallet?
  ---It was at the stadium ____ I played football.
  A.that B.where C.which D.there
  25.-I didn't go to Mary's party last night because my car broke down.
  -You cold have borrowed mine. I it.
  A.hadn't used B.didn't use C. wasn't using D.wouldn't use
  26.-This house looks beautiful , doesn't it ?
  -Well, I'd rather have a house to look , but to live in.
  A.no beautiful ; most comfortable B.less beautiful ;more comfortable
  C.less beautiful; most comfortable D.beautiful; comfortable
  27.The show attracted a large number of audience, _________ from children to old people.
  A.increasing B.reducing C.spreading D.ranging
  28.-That's a lovely sweater. You look good in it.
  -Really ? Thank you. My aunt gave it to me for my birthday , but I don't the color.
  A.go in for B.care for C.feel about D.concern about
  29._________ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.
   So successful her business was B. So successful was her business
  C. So her business was successful D. So was successful business
  30.The Chinese government ______ research into vaccine against H1N1for months, recently many have received the first doses.
   has done B. did C. was doing D. had been doing did
  31.Heavy snows ____ Dalian on Jan 4,2010, causing great damage to the people there.
  A.beat B.hit C.happen D.occur
  32.You can only be sure of _________ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something what you might get in the future.
  A. what B. that C. which D. /
  33.The two collectors have determined to buy the precious Egyptian vase , .
  A.however much it costs B.no matter how it costs
  C.however much does it cost D.no matter how much does it cost
  34.-What made little Tony so unhappy and cry in his room ?
  - to go hiking with his brother.
  A.Having not been allowed B.Not having allowed
  C.Having not allowed D.Not having been allowed
  35.This problem may lead to more serious ones if _____ unsolved.
  A.made B.left C.remained D.got

  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the I-595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale, picking up rubbish. I paused to 36 the sweat off my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky." 37 can't it rain?" I thought. That would 38 things down.
  I thought about my 39 , who were probably sitting in an air-conditioned 40 right now. I'd had some problems in school, 41 my parents decided to let me 42 full-time with my dad, We both worked for my uncle, who had taken 43 of a maintenance(道路养护)company. It was up to us to keep the roads 44 of rubbish. The job was 45 and dirty, especially on hot days 46 this. I wondered why I ever agreed to do it.
  We continued our 47 route along the I-595, 48 for the overpass bridge. Then I noticed an area where some 49 were broken on the ground. It wasn't like that before.
  "Dad! Pull over! I want to 50 something out."
  I jumped off the truck and rushed to the bridge. Something was telling me to 51 …there wasn't much time. 52 I saw a Toyota that 53 upside down in the tree. Maybe it was a stolen car that somebody 54 there, I thought. Then, just at that 55 , I noticed something moving. It was a bloody leg poking out of the driver's side window!
  "Help!" a lady moaned.
  36. A.wipe B.cut C.put D.send
  37. A.When B.How C.Why D.Where
  38. A.turn B.keep C.make D.cool
  39. A.parents B.school-times C.friends D.school yards
  40. A.office B.classroom C.restaurant D.living room
  41. A.but B.or C.for D.so
  42. A.work B.study C.stay D.spend
  43. A.business B.possession C.position D.place
  44. A.away B.from C.far D.clear
  45. A.easy B.lonely C.smelly D.noisy
  46. A.for B.like C.after D.as
  47. A.regular B.common C.unusual D.normal
  48. A.reaching B.going C.looking D.heading
  49. A.cars B.bottles C.branches D.glasses
  50. A.check B.help C.take D.bring
  51. A.decide B.hurry C.consider D.stop
  52. A.Above B.Behind C.Ahead D.Below
  53. A.hung B.trapped C.caught D.fell
  54. A.stored B.deserted C.lost D.hid
  55. A.bridge B.tree C.moment D.way

 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分40分)
  There lived a king who liked art. One day an artist offered to paint the most beautiful picture in the world on the wall of his palace.
  So he king said, " All right, you may work on one of the walls in the new hall. "
  Just then, another artist said, "Please allow me to work on the opposite wall. I shall make exactly what that man will make on the opposite wall. Moreover, I shall do so without looking at his work. I would even request you to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls so the either of us cannot see the other. "
  Everyone in the king's court, including the king and the first artist was surprised. So the king decided to give the man a chance.
  The following day, a thick curtain was put into place and both the artists got to work. The first artist brought in a regular supply of paint, oil and water. But the second one would come with a cloth and a bucket of water every day.
  A month later the first artist said that his work was completed and invited the king to come.
  So the king sent the message to the second artist, saying he was coming to see their works that evening.
  After seeing the first artist's wall, the king was very impressed with the painting and gave him a huge sum of money as a reward. He then asked for the curtain to be opened up.
  The same painting was seen on the opposite wall too! It was exactly like the one on the first wall. But this man had not seen what was going on, on the other side of the curtain.
  The man said simply, "It's very easy I just polished the wall every day! "
  It was a wall made of white marble. The fellow polished it till it shone like a mirror. The reflection of the painting across the room showed up in it!
  56.A thick curtain was put up between the two walls in order to __________.
  A.help them concentrate on their work
  B.keep the first artist's painting a secret
  C.prevent their painting from being seen
  D.make it hard for them to exchange ideas
  57.Why did the first artist receive a huge sum of money from the king?
  A.His painting satisfied the king.
  B.His painting was the best the king has ever seen.
  C.He painted better than the second artist.
  D.The king promised to give him a reward.
  58.How was the king feeling when he saw the second wall ?
  A.Surprised and excited. B. Fascinated and doubtful.
  C.Satisfied and curious. D. The paintings on the wall.
  59.What would be best title of the text? .
  A.A king who loved art B.Two artists and the king
  C.Whose painting is better? D.The painting on the wall
  Today, at 28, the young German Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter is at the top. "She gives radiance to the music, "wrote Geoffrey Norris in The Daily Telegraph, London.
  Born in Rheinfelden on June 29, 1963, Anne-Sophie grew up in Wehr, a small town just five kilometers from the Swiss border. Her father, Karl Wilhelm Mutter, and her mother, Gerlinde, considered music lessons part of a good education. It came as no surprise when Anne-Sophie said she wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.
  Her parents thought she was too young for the violin, and persuaded her to start on the piano. But Anne-Sophie has always had a mind of her own. "I longed to play the violin, "she says, "It seemed to me a much more interesting instrument. "After six months, her parents gave in.
  The famous violin teacher Erna Honigberfer, who lived nearby, became Annie-Sophie's tutor. After only nine months of lessons, she entered the six-year-old in a nationwide competition for young musicians. With Christoph accompanying her on the piano, Anne-Sophie won first prize.
  In 1974, Erna Honigberger died. Anne-Sophie's new teacher was Aida Stucki. She taught Anne-Sophie to develop her own ideas on how a piece should be played, not just to imitate others. This is one of the violinist's strongest, most distinctive characteristics today.
  Though the Mutters were short of money at times, they limited their daughter's performances to one or two a year. "We are glad we went the family road, "says her father. "No outsider can ever have an effect on our daughter's career or push her into playing more concerts than she wants to. "Later she was allowed to give six to eight concerts a year and make some recordings.
  60. Anne-Sophie's concerts are _________.
  A. limited to one or two a year B. accompanied at the piano by Christoph
  C. highly praised throughout the world
  D. appreciated by professors in London
  61. Which sentence shows Anne-Sophie's strong point as a violinist?
  A. She wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.
  B. She has always had a mind of her own.
  C. She had two famous violin teachers.
  D. Violin seemed to her a much more interesting instrument.
  62. The virtue the Mutters have is that they believe __________.
  A. children should learn music B. money is not everything
  C. Anne-Sophie was too young to give concerts
  D. parents have a great effect upon their children
  63. Which of the following is right?
  A. Mutter's family had an effect on her.
  B. Anne-Sophie got her first prize with the help of Aida Stucki.
  C. Anne-Sophie liked to imitate others.
  D. Anne-Sophie liked all the instruments.

  Researchers have announced the result of two studies on the health effects of the drug aspirin. One study shows aspirin can sharply reduce the chance that a healthy, older man will suffer from a heart attack.
  The study offered two new results from earlier findings. It said taking one aspirin pill every other day helped only healthy men over the age of fifty. It also said aspirin gave the greatest protection against heart attacks to men with low blood cholesterol (胆固醇) levels.
  Earlier in the United States began a major aspirin study in the early 1980s. It included 22,000 healthy men doctors. All were between the ages of forty and eighty-four. More than 11,000 of the doctors took a harmless pill that contained no drug. The men did not know which kind of pill they were taking.
  The doctors who took aspirin suffered 44% fewer heart attacks than those taking the harmless pill. 139 men who took aspirin suffered from heart attacks. Ten of them died. 239 men who did not take aspirin suffered from heart attacks. Twenty-six of them died.
  The researchers said the doctors' study provides clear proof that taking aspirin can prevent a first heart attack in healthy, older men. They said, however, the result does not mean every man over the age of fifty should take aspirin. They said aspirin couldn't help men who do not eat healthy foods, who smoke cigarettes and who are fat. The researchers said men who think they would be helped by taking aspirin should talk with their doctors first.
  64. The passage tells us that the new use of aspirin is ______.
  A. to treat heart disease
  B. to reduce pain while one suffers from a heart attack
  C. to help old people to be more healthy
  D. to reduce the chance of a heart attack in old men
  65. Aspirin can help those who ______.
  A. work as doctors B. are under 40 years old
  C. are fat and smoke cigarettes D. are older and healthy
  66. At last the researchers advised us to take aspirin ______.
  A. with care B. as much as we like
  C. every day D. only considering the age
  67. From the experiment we can conclude that about _____ of people who suffered from heart attacks without aspirin died.
  A. 7% B. 11% C. 19% D. 44%
  A latest national survey has found that over half of China's netizens(网民)are suffering from various mental problems although some 62 percent of them claim at the same time that they are happy on the whole anyway.
  This is the result of China's first White Paper on Netizens' Health Conditions issued on Wednesday by 39.net, China's largest authoritative website on health sciences. It is the first most comprehensive health survey on netizens' health situation ever conducted in China in ten years' time. The white paper came out after two months of online and offline research that involved over 150 thousand netizens, covering topics and questions on health knowledge, mental situation, sense of health, and living habits.
  According to the white paper, more than 70 percent of China's netizens say they are suffering from mental problems such as bad memory, anxiety, depression, and a lack of confidence. And a similar 72 percent of them also say they are often suffering from diseases like insomnia, dizziness, joint degeneration and achings. Meanwhile, another 53 percent of netizens believe that white collar employees who have bigger work pressures are more likely to catch mental problems.
  The white paper adds, doing almost no sports and spending long time surfing online lead to the above mentioned health problems among netizens. Only 9 percent of netizens take up sports on weekends while over 40 percent stay home, surfing. And only 16 percent netizens can assure more than eight hours' sleeping daily.
  At present, China has a netizen population of 162 million, with a monthly consumption of 186 yuan, or about 25 dollars, on Internet surfing.
  68. The national survey on netizens' health situation ________.
  A. was conducted by sohu.com B. is conducted every year
  C. was carried out online and offline D. covered about half a million netizens
  69. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined part "white collar"?
  A. White clothes. B. White offices. C. Office workers. D. White people.
  70. All the following factors have been mentioned to cause the health problems among netizens EXCEPT ________.
  A. doing no sports B. spending long time online
  C. heavy work pressures D. shopping online
  71. What's the main idea of the passage?
  A. China has a large netizen population.
  B. Many netizens in China have mental problems.
  C. the Internet has a negative influence on people.
  D. How to surf the Internet safely and healthily.
  An early invention by Albert Einstein has been rebuilt by scientists at Oxford University. They are trying to develop an environmentally friendly refrigerator that runs without electricity.
  We all know that modern fridges cause damage to the environment. They work by using a kind of man-made greenhouse gas called Freon (氟里昂), which is far more damaging than carbon dioxide.
  Now Malcolm McCulloch, an electrical engineer at Oxford, is leading a three-year project to develop appliances that can be used in places without electricity.
  His team has completed a prototype (样机) of a fridge patented in 1930 by Einstein. It used only pressurized gases to keep things cold. The design was partly used in the first refrigerators, but the technology was dropped when more efficient compressors (压缩机) became popular in the 1950s. That meant a switch to using Freon.
  Einstein's idea uses butane (丁烷) and water and takes advantage of the fact that liquids boil at lower temperatures, when the air pressure around them is lower.
  "If you go to the top of Mount Qomolangma, water boils at a much lower temperature than it does when you're at sea level and that's because the pressure is much lower up there," said McCulloch.At one side is the evaporator (蒸发器), a bottle that contains liquid butane. "If you introduce a new vapor above the butane, the liquid boiling temperature decreases and, as it boils off, it takes energy from the surroundings to do so," says McCulloch. "That's what makes it cold."
  The gas fridges based on Einstein's design were replaced by Freon-compressor fridges partly because Einstein's design was not very efficient. But McCulloch thinks that by changing the design and replacing the types of gases used it will be possible to quadruple (翻两番) the efficiency.
  However, McCulloch's fridge is still in its early stages. "It's very much a prototype," he said. "Give us another month and we'll have it working."
  72.According to the passage, an early invention by Albert Einstein _______.
  A.has been rediscovered because it costs much less and works more efficiently
  B.is being redesigned because it could be used in places without electricity
  C.has just been found to be energy-saving and environmentally friendly
  D.will be fully made use of and become the fridge of the future
  73.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
  A.Freon was used in fridges long before the 1950s.
  B.Freon is what makes current fridges big polluters.
  C.McCulloch thinks he could improve Einstein's design by using other types of vapors.
  D.The fridge Malcolm McCulloch and his team designed will be put into production soon.
  74.We can learn from the text that the prototype completed _______.
  A.changed the air pressure around it
  B.was tested on the top of Mount Everest
  C.increased the liquid boiling temperature
  D.used only pressurized gases to keep things cold
  75.McCulloch's words in Paragraph 6 _____.
  A.serve as an explanation for the principle behind Einstein's fridge
  B.give you the reason why Einstein's fridge was not efficient
  C.tell you how to take advantage of low air pressure
  D.show you how Einstein's fridge works

 第 Ⅱ卷(共35分)
  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  One morning, I with mother go to the People's Hospital in 76. _______
  Henan because she had caught bad cold. While we were sitting 77. _______
  in the waiting room, some people smoked. The smell was 78. _______
  very strong that I found it hard to breathe. We couldn't ask 79. _______
  all of them to stop smoking, so we had to go to other 80. _______
  room. And the situation there was worse. Why do so many 81. _______
  people smoke in public place? The sign "Smoking is harmful 82. _______
  for health." is printed on cigarette packets to remind smokers that 83. ______
  smoking not only harms them but the people around us. 84. _______
  So we should take action to reducing some of smoking's bad effects85. ______

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
  假如你是一名高三学生,经常为看电视的事跟妈妈闹意见,今天你跟妈妈达成一致。请根据以下表格的内容,以 An Argument 为题为《英语广场》写一篇120字左右的英语短文。
  高三学生学习任务重, 看电视浪费时间;

  I am a Senior 3 student. I often quarrel with my mother over …


  听力理解:1-5 BCCBA 6- 10 CABCB 11-15 CCABC 16-20 ACBBC

  单项选择:21-25 ABBBC 26-30 BDBBD 31-35 BAADB

  完形填空:36-40 ACDCB 41-45 DABDC 46-50 BADCA 51-55 BDABC

  阅读理解:56-60 BACDC 61-65 DBADD 66-70 ABCCD 71-75 BBBDA

  76.go→ went 77.caught与 bad 之间加a 78.√ 79.very→ so
  80.other→ another 81.And→But 82.place →places 83.for→to
  84.us→ them 85.reducing→reduce

  I am a Senior 3 student. I often quarrel with my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. My mother holds the view that students in Senior 3, heavily burdened with their studies, are too busy to spare any time to watch TV. It seems to her that once I am allowed to do that I will not be able to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks that it is bad for my eyes to watch TV too often. But I really can't accept her ideas. I think it is relaxing to watch TV after a day's hard work.. Not only can it set my mind at rest, but it can broaden my horizons. Now we have at last reached an agreement that I can only watch TV at weekends, and the programs should be limited to news and programs of entertainment, sports or science.
