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VI. Translation (15分,每题3分)
Direction: Translate the following sentences in English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.
4.人们普遍认为脑子越用越灵活。 (the more… the more)
5.跟他的父母愿望相反,他大学毕业后没有出国而是去了大西北。(instead of )

VII. Guided Writing (25分)
Directions: Write an English composition in at least 120 words, according to the clue given.


part A:
M: Is this seat taken?
W: I don't think so. The man who was here finished his lunch and left.
Q: Where does this conversation mostly probably take place?
W: At first I thought this dress was blue, but now it looks green to me.
M: You were right the first time, It's this yellow light in the store that makes everything look different.
Q: According to the man what is the color of the dress?
M: I thought you had planned to practice the piano today.
W: I did nothing but write letters all day.
Q: What did the woman do ?
W: I have plenty of good ideas, but I haven't been able to organize them clearly. May I hand in the paper a few days later?
M: You know that I always prefer a well written paper even if it is late.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
W: Cooking for yourself is a lot better than eating in a school canteen.
M: Yes, I couldn't agree more.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: I have only 12 dollars. Is it enough for 4 tickets?
W: Well, you can buy four $2.50 tickets, whichever you prefer?
Q: If the man buys the cheaper ones, how much money will be left?
W: You must have enjoyed using your new camera on your trip?
M: I would have, but after buying a new camera especially for that trip. I left it in the car with my friend who drove me to the airport.
Q: What did the man say about his camera?
M: Did you hear the weather forecast?
W: Yes, they said it would be slightly above freezing tomorrow.
Q: What kind of weather are they having?
M: Hello, will you please send someone up to my apartment? The hot water is running , and I can't turn it off.
W: Sorry, my men are all out now. But I'll send one up as soon as possible.
Q: Who has the woman called to come over?
W: How did Bill finally go to New York? First he was going to fly, then to take the bus. But the last time I talked to him he hadn't really decided.
M: He ended up driving his own car. The plane was too expensive, and the bus was too slow.
Q: How did Bill go to New York?
Part B:
M: Are you ready for the trip to the museums in "The Big Apple"? I can hardly wait!
W: "The Big Apple"? What are you talking about?
M: "The Big Apple" is the nickname for the New York City. You are going to New York with us, aren't you?
W: Yes, I am going. I'm especially looking forward to seeing the museum of the modern art. There's a special show of twentieth-century American painters there. But tell me, where did the nickname "The Big Apple "come from?
M: The jazz musician s of the 1920's are responsible for the name. When they played a concert in a big city, they called that city "an apple". Of course New York was the biggest city in the country and the best place for a jazz concert. So the musicians called it "The Big Apple".
W: Amazing ! New York is such a fascinating place and it has even got such an interesting nickname, one that it's had for more than fifty years.
11. What's the woman interested in seeing?
12.What does the word "apple" in the phrase "The Big Apple "mean?
M: I'm so sick. I can't tell up and down.
W: You've been sick quite a bit since you got here, haven't you?
M: Well, for the past few weeks, the weather in /this city has been changing a lot. It's awful. One day it's too hot outside, and the next day it's raining. No matter what I put on. I'm always not dressed properly for that day.
W: You just haven't learned to predict the changing climate in this city yet. Many newcomers complain about the same problem. I've been here for four years and I rarely get sick because I'm always dressed properly for the weather. But when I first came, that was a different story.
M: I know. But what can I do now?
W: Actually, there is something you can do. I heard that there's a weather hotline you can call in the morning that will tell you the temperature for the day.
M: Yes. I think I've heard of that hotline.
W: I'd like to find out if it really helps. Maybe you can give them a call tomorrow morning and see if it helps your situation.
M: Not me! I heard that's very expensive and I don't have that kink of money.
13. What has been happening to the man recently?
14. What is the woman's advice to solve the man's problem?
Part C:
On the fourth Thursday of November every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The day is a national holiday which is set aside each year as a time to give thanks to God for our Blessings.
Legend has it that the first English settlers in Massachusetts started the custom. According to the story, the Pilgrims---as they are called ---gave thanks for having survived the terrible winter of 1621 and for having harvested their first summer crop. They invited their Indian friends to join them in a large feast to share in the bounties of the land.
The traditional foods of the big Thanksgiving Day meal include roast turkey, cranberries, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and Indian bread pudding.
Since the day is set aside for giving thanks, it has also become a traditional family day. Large dinners with many relatives are common throughout America on this special day.
15. When was the Thanksgiving Day tradition begun?
16. Who first started the custom according to legend?
17 What is not included in the traditional Thanksgiving Day foods?
How did the first people on earth communicate with each other? They didn't talk to each other. They didn't use words at all. They probably used signs or pointed to things they wanted. For example, perhaps they rebbed their stomachs to show that they were hungry. These early people had thoughts and ideas, but they didn't communicate them in words.
Nobody knows for certain when people first began to use words, but according to some scientists language may be about one million years old. What were the first words in the human vocabulary? They probably named things that were common and important. Perhaps the first words were short, simple sounds for things that humans saw or touched such as the sun, the moon, a tree, a stone, rain, water, and so on. Words for basic human emotion such as love, dislike, fear, and pain were probably part of the earliest vocabulary.
18. How did the first people communicate with each other?
19. When, according to some scientists, did people first begin to use words?
20. What words were probably the first words in the human vocabulary?
