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  A young person,especially a female,has all the favor given by God.Any ___5___to make up would be self-defeating.Youth,howev-er,come and goes in a momen to fnap.Packag-ing for the middle-aged is primarily to___6___the winkles caused by time.If you still enjoy life’s richness enough to maintain self-confi-dence and pursue pioneering work,you are u-nique in your natural qualities,and your charm and grace will ___7___.Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been,through plains,mountains and jungles,running its course as it should.You have really lived your life which now arrives at a proud stage of serenity indifferent to fame and wealth.There is no need to ___8___to hair-coloring,the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.

  5.A.attempt B.attention C.temptation D.action

  6.A.hide B.relieve C.remove D.conceal

  7.A.maintain B.leave C.remain D.preserve

  8.A.takeB.turn C.ask D.stick

  第5、6和7题都为同义词辨析。第5题选attempt,在这里的意思是尝试。而第6题的难点在于辨析conceal和hide,hide一般指的是把某人或具体某事物隐藏起来或情感的不外露,而把抽象的东西像信息、秘密和这里的“皱纹”隐藏起来不被人知就用conceal。第7题选remain,是因为remain表示“依然具有,没有褪去”的意思。而第8题考的是词语搭配,turn to意为求助于。



  Butterflies fly about in the sunshine,going from flower to flower,happy all day long,___6___life of pleasure.They are beautiful,but it seems that they are not of much ___7____use to anybody.Some human beings lead very much the same sort of life ___8___they are butterflies of society.

  Locusts are different.They are active e-nough,too active.They spend their time eating the food of others.Unfortunately,there are men like this,destroying things wherever they go,taking for themselves___9____belongs to oth-ers,using up everything and producing nothing.They are human locusts.

  6.A.lead B.led C.tolead D.leading

  7.A.real B.true C.proper D.right

  8.A.but B.and C.or D.though

  9.A.whatB.which C.that D.as


