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在世界浩瀚的艺术和建筑殿堂中,有两座城市总是令人神往:其一是意大利的文化名城、文艺复兴的发源地 —— 佛罗伦萨,另一便是誉满全球的“水城”—— 威尼斯。二者在世界历史文化方面的地位可谓是举足轻重的。
  ★★Words: 302; Time: 4 minutes

  Venice must be one of the most beautiful cities ever built. As well as streets, there is a network of canals that provide transport around the inner city. These water trips provide some of the best views of the city, with its palaces, large private houses and over 100 churches.

  Many architects have built and rebuilt Venice over the centuries, and many of the old beautiful buildings are still in use today.

  Perhaps the most famous meeting place for Venetians(that’s what the people of Venice are called) and tourists alike is St Mark’s Square. The Square has been called “the drawing room of the world.” This is because it has been the scene of many of the most important religious(宗教的) and political activities of the region as well as acting as a focus for the social life of the city.

  If you are an art-lover, then Florence is one of the best cities in the world for you to visit. It was the most important center of art and architecture in Europe for about 300 years beginning in the 14th century.
