
浏览 6


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  My heart sank when I open the front door and 76.________
saw Mrs. Liu. Whatever she called, she stayed for 77.________
hours and hours. But this time, she stayed for 78.________
several hours till nearly 6 o’clocks. I had lots of 79.________
homework to do it. I couldn’t stand her any longer. 80.________
So I tried to persuade her leave without feeling 81.________
unhappy. I asked her that her husband had got home 82.________
from job, and maybe he was worried about her because 83.________
it was so late. But, instead of leaving, she was going to 84.________
phone her husband to come round, too.
What unwelcome visitor! How tired and disappointed I was! 85.________

  第二节 书面表达(满25分)
  Class 1, Grade 3,
  Beijing No. 4 Middle School
  March 10, 2002
Dear editors.
  Wang Lin

  1-5.BCBBA 6-10.AAABA 11-15.BBCBA 16-20.CAAAC
  Text l
  W: This cap was too small for my son, so I bring it back for a larger one.
  M: Certainly, madam. We can help you if you bought it here.
  Text 2
  W: What a wonderful performance the pianist gave this evening!
  M: Right. The entire audience felt the same way.
  Text 3
  W: I’m hoping to get some bread from the bakery before it closes.
  M: My watch is 6: 15, so we still have about 15 minutes to get there.
  Text 4
  W: Jack, did you pick up your clothes from the laundry today?
  M: No, My brother stopped for them on his way home.
  Text 5
  W: I hear you’re planning to take a trip for next summer, Tom.
  M: I hope to tour China if I can finish my degree in time and save enough money.
  Text 6
  W: Hello.
  M: Hello. This is Dennis Gaiety. I’m making a survey for SUR- TV. That’s the Channel 18. May I ask you a few questions?
  W: Sure, Go ahead.
  M: Are you watching TV right now?
  W: Yes, I am.
  M: What channel are you watching ?
  W: Channel 15.
  M: Channel 15? Are you sure you’re not watching Channel18.
  W: Yes, I am.
  M: Thank you very much .
  W: You’re welcome.
  Text 7
  W: Yes, sir. May I help you?
  M: I have a reservation for tonight. John Durgin.
  W: Just a moment, please, Let me check. That's right. You have a reservation for a two - room suite for tonight.
  M: I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. I only reserved a single room, not a suite.
  W: I’m sorry, Mr. During, but this is what is available. Your reservation arrived too late to have a single. There’s a large conference in town this week and we’re full up.
  M: Well, if that ‘s the way it is , I’ll have to take it.
  W: Please sign the register here. Your suite is 526.
  M: Thank you.
  W: The lift is on your right, sir, and I’ll have your bags sent up in a moment.
  M: Fine, thanks.
  Text 8
  M: May I help you?
  W: Yes, I m interested in a green dress, please.
  M: What’s your size?
  W: Thirty.
  M: Here’s a very nice green dress. Take a look.
  W: Thank you. Oh, it's lovely. How much is it?
  M: Nineteen yuan.
  W: I’m afraid it’s too expensive. May I look at something cheaper?
  M: What about the red one over there? It’s much cheaper, only fourteen yuan.
  W: Can I look at it, please?
  M: Certainly. Here you are.
  W: Can I try it on?
  M: Yes, of course.
  W: All right. I’ll take it.
  Text 9
  M: Hi, Luch, you are a member of the photo club, aren’t you?
  W : Yes, I am.
  M: What do you usually do in the club?
  W: We do a lot of things. We take photos. And sometimes, our chemistry teacher shows us how to develop the film and make prints from the negatives.
  M: That sounds like fun.
  W: And there will be a school photo competition next month. I hope I can win a prize.
  M: Wonderful! I want to join your club. When’s it open?
  W: It opens from 4: 00 to 5: 30 on Wednesdays and on Thursday afternoons, too. Can you come to the club with me tomorrow?
  M: Yes, let’s meet at 3: 50.
  Text 10
  Many years ago a laborer sat down to rest on the sidewalk in a downtown area. He took off his hat, held it in his hand and started to sleep lightly. People walking by started dropping money into the hat. When he woke up he found in the hat more money than he had earned during the day as a laborer. He became a professional beggar and was then able to live comfortably.
  This kind of giving encourages laziness and fails to help those who really need help. It is much better that these people enter their names in some organizations where they will be cared for and given work to gain their self - respect. ff we collect our contributions and give them to the organizations, we will help to get rid of the unnecessary beggars in our city.
  21-25.DBABC 26-30.ACBCD 31-35.AADAB 36-40.CAABD 41-45.ACDAD 46-50.BACAD  51-55.BACDB
  56-60.BBACD 61-65.BCBCD 66-70.BDACB 71-75.CBCAA
76.open——opened 77.Whatever——Whenever 78.But——And 
79.o’clocks——o’clock 80.去掉 it 81.her后加to 82.that——if 
83.job——work 84.√ 85.What后加an
  One possible version
  I’d like to say my favorite programmer of CCTV is Animal World.
  I like it not only because animals are friends of us humans but also the host does a good job in making it lively and interesting.
  I have learned through the programmer a lot of things I didn’t know before, such as the life of animals, the relationship between humans and animals and the importance of the animal protection.
  Recently I have heard some animals in zoos are badly injured or killed. I wonder if laws will be made to punish those who injure or even kill animals more severely
