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One evening in October, Dr Berlin was having dinner when the phone rang. He went to answer it. It was Mrs. Green.

“Please, Dr Berlin, come to my house. I had a necklace on my desk and now it is gone.”

Dr Berlin hurried to the Green’s house. He arrived at eight o’clock. First he asked Mrs. Green. “When did you see the necklace last?”

“At seven o’clock, I took the necklace from my pocket and put it on the desk in my living room. Then I went to wash my hair. I came back at seven thirty and the necklace was gone.”

“I see,” Dr Berlin said, “Were you alone in the house?”

“No, my sister’s daughter, Nancy, is here, too. She’s a student at the university. Her parents live far away, so she lives here with me.”

“Let’s talk to Miss Nancy,” said Dr Berlin. Then he and Mrs. Green went to Nancy’s room.

“Please sit down.” Nancy said. Dr Berlin sat on the only chair in the room. The chair was cold. Mrs. Green and Nancy sat on the bed. Dr Berlin saw some books on the floor near his feet.

“What have you been doing this evening?” Dr Berlin asked.

“I came home at six thirty, and went right to my room. I’ve been studying because I have an exam tomorrow. I’ve been sitting in that chair and reading all evening. I never got up and never left the room. But at seven fifteen I heard a sound, like somebody shutting the door. I didn’t go out to look for I was too busy. Maybe somebody came into the house and took my aunt’s necklace.”

After hearing that, Dr Berlin was clear. Then he told Mrs. Green, “Well, you won’t have to be worried, and you’ll find the necklace in this room.”

10. According to the passage, perhaps Dr Berlin is most _________.

A. a friend of Mrs. Green’sB. Green’s husband

C. Nancy’s fatherD. a private detective (私人侦探)

Dr Berlin went to have a talk with Nancy in order to _________.

A. see whether she had stolen the necklace

B. make sure she had stolen the necklace

C. see whether Mrs. Green had told a lie

D. find out some clue(线索) of the case

Nancy said: “I came here at six thirty, and went right to my room.” Here, the word “right” shows that Nancy wanted to lead Dr Berlin to believe _________.

A. what she said was right

B. she hadn’t been to the living room that evening

C. she went to her room at exactly six thirty

D. she told the truth

Nancy used the tense “I have been studying…” to show _________.

A. she did nothing but study that evening

B. she was a hard-working student

C. she was busy preparing for the exam

D. she was afraid of the exam very much
