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  Today’s dad spends more hours on childcare than a dad a generation ago. But he still lags behind (落后于) the modern-day mom, even when her wages are equal, a new study reports. Researchers found that the number of hours a mother spent at work had no effect on the amount of time a father devoted to childcare during the week. Similarly, a mother’s income had very little influence on fathers’ involvement in childcare. On weekends, however, fathers spent more time with their children. Despite women’s increasing role in the labor market, most mothers remain the primary caregivers of young children on weekdays.
  Researchers found that fathers spent an average of 2.5 hours on a weekday and about 6 hours on a weekend day with their children. This included time spent playing together or doing schoolwork, personal care such as bathing and feeding. On weekdays, children spent one-third less time with their fathers than with their mothers, but on weekends the time gap closed and kids spent only 13% more time with their mothers than with their fathers. Children of women who made more money spent more time with their fathers on weekends, however. “The good news is that as women become equal contributing partners, the relative involvement of fathers does increase,” one researcher said. “The bad news is … that men still do less on traditional women’s jobs — (taking care of) babies, dishes, etc.”
  In other findings, fathers with some college education spent 17 more minutes per weekday with their children than dads without any college education. Fathers who made more money spent less time with children on weekdays, but the amount of time was fairly small. “Our findings suggest that although mothers still shoulder most parenting, fathers’ involvement relative to that of mothers appears to be on the increase,” the researchers conclude. “A ‘new father’ role is emerging on weekends in families.”
61.The underlined word “This” in the second paragraph refers to _________.

A.the study reported in the text
B.the role a father plays in childcare
C.time a father spends with his children on weekends
D.time a father spends with his children during the whole week
62.Which of the following explains a fathers’ increasing involvement in childcare?
A.Women’s liberation movement. B.The kind of job women do.
C.The kind of job fathers do. D.A mother’s income.
63.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text?
A.Fathers are more involved but mothers are still main caregivers.
B.Children need care from both parents in a family.
C.Education is the key to the improvement of women’s good health and happiness.
D.Women have become equal contributing partners of income in a family.
64.Which of the words below best describes the researchers’ attitude towards a “new father” role?
A.Surprised. B.Pleased. C.Disappointed. D.Dissatisfied.
