
浏览 7


  The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent ____at the end of last March.

  A.has been launched B.having been launched C.being launched D.to be launched



  很多同学选择A,而has been launched是现在完成时形式,是谓语动词;再看语句逗号两边没有任何连词连接,说明后半句只是整个句子的一个成分,因此,选择A就犯了句子结构判断上的错误;


  另外三个选项中B、C是分词的被动形式,分别表示“发射了”和“正在发射”的语义;D选项是动词不定式的一种被动形式,表示“将要发射”。再看看题干给出的“launch”时间背景“at the end of last March”和主句上的时间“has already sent up”,说明是在此之前,所以正确的选择应当是B。

  从上面的分析我们不难看出,回答非谓语动词的问题,要注意下面几个关键:一是要确定是否选择非谓语动词,方法就是看句子中有没有连词,是句子还是成分;二是要找动词的逻辑主语,这是判断非谓语动词形式的一个重要依据;三是判断是主动形式还是被动的形式,主要是看动词和逻辑主语之间是构成了主谓关系(主动形式)还是动宾关系(被动形式),要特别注意所选形式的语义,如上例中“having been launched”,“being launched”分别表示的“发射了”和“正在发射”的语义;四是把时间背景捕捉准确,这样就能确定是用“将来”、“正在”还是“完成”的对应形式。


  非谓语动词是用动词不定式to do,还是用分词doing或done的形式,是由搭配结构和语义功能决定的。


  例一:——The last one ______ pays the meal.


  A. arrived B. arrives

  C. to arrive D. arriving


  例二:The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported_______ the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.

  A. breaking B. having broken

  C. to have broken D. to break

  在“sb. is said/reported/believed/thought,…”等之后要搭配动词不定式。在这里,题干的时间背景为cheered,一般过去时,而“break the world record”应当在“cheer”之前,所以要选择不定式的完成时态,以表示两个动作的先后,答案为C。

  例三:You’ll imagine what difficulty we had_____ home in the snowstorm.

  A. walked B. walk

  C. to walk D. walking

  句子的结构里涉及这样的用法“have difficulty (in)doing sth.”,所以要选择D。


  例一: At the beginning of class, the noise of desks __ could be heard outside the classroom.

  A. opened and closed

  B. to be opened and closed

  C. being opened and closed

  D. to open and close

  在这个题目中动词“open and close”和名词“desks”构成了动宾关系,即“open and close desks”,因此选择非谓语动词要用到被动形式,而前三个含有被动成分的选项又分别有“完了”“将要”和“正在”的含义,因此,能准确表达句子意思的应当是C。

  例二:The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle ______.

  A. to be heard B. to have heard

  C. hearing D. being heard

  在这个题目中动词“hear”和代词“I”构成了动宾关系,即“hear me”,因此选择非谓语动词要用到被动形式,而第一和第四个含有被动成分的选项又分别有“将要”和“正在”的含义,因此,能准确表达句子意思“以便能被听到”的应当是A。

  例三:The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _____ for the day.

  A. finishing B. finished

  C. had finished D. were finished

  在这个题目中动词“finish”和名词“lessons”构成了动宾关系,即“finish lessons”,因此选择非谓语动词要用到被动形式,而第二个含有被动成分,表示“完了”,因此,是B。需要注意的是,D选项是谓语动词,而本题中“their lessons ___ for the day”应当是个句子成分,所以不能选择谓语动词。




  1.Please remain________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.

  A.to seat

  B.to be seated



  2. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) ___ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.

  A. is said to be buying

  B. is said to have bought

  C. had said to buy

  D. has said to have bought

  3. ______ by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses.

  A. Driven

  B. Being driven

  C. To drive

  D. Having driven

  4. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not ______, and asked myself what I was going to do.

  A. moved

  B moving

  C. to move

  D. being moved

  5. “Things ______________ never come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself.

  A. lost

  B. losing

  C. to lose

  D. have lost

  6. I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?

  A. burning

  B. burnt

  C. being burnt

  D. to be burnt


  1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A
