高考必背英语词汇讲座 R2

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aunt invited me to the movies, but Isaid I had rather go on a picnic with thegirls.我的姑妈邀请我去看电影,可是我说我倒愿意跟女孩子们一起去野餐。I am sure they would (or: had) rather die than give up.我深信他们一定会宁死不屈。He would rather resign than take part in such a dishonest transaction.他宁愿辞职,也不愿参与那样不诚实的交易。
  注意:would rather 后亦可接that从句,that通常省略,从句中用动词用过去时形式表示虚拟。 would rather...than的连词than后亦可接that从句。例如:I would (or: had) rather he came on Monday.我宁愿他星期一来。I would rather lose a dozen cherry trees than that you should tell one lie.我宁愿丢失一打樱桃树也不愿听你说一句谎话。  
2、reach at, reach for
  reach at的意思是“伸手企图去触摸或达到(try to touch or attain by reaching)"。例如:He reached at the flowers in my hand.他伸手想触摸我手中的花。She reached at the glass, but it had dropped.她想把那个玻璃杯子抓住,但还是掉下去了。
  reach for没有“企图”的含义,它指一般意义上的“伸手去拿(取)某种具体的实物”。例如:The boy stood on tiptoe and reached for the map on the wall.男孩踮着脚,伸出手去拿墙上的地图。Then, reaching for a pencil, he wrote down his telephone number.然后,他伸手拿了支铅笔,写下了他的电话号码。
