
浏览 5

1. begin to do sth 开始做某事。如:
  Soon it began to rain. 不久天就开始下雨了。
  He sat down at the desk and began to write. 他在桌子前坐下就开始写了起来。
  2. began doing sth 开始做某事。如:
  He began doing this job last year. 他去年开始做这工作。
  He began teaching English at the age of 18. 他18岁开始教英语。
  Then he began telling [to tell] us a story. 然后他开始给我们讲故事。
  The ice began to melt. 冰开始融化。
  I began to understand this situation. 我开始了解情况。
  另外若 begin 本身为 -ing 形式,其后通常也接不定式。如:
  I’m beginning to feel better, thank you. 我渐渐感到好些了,谢谢你。
  不过,若主语是指天气的 it, 其后可接不定式或动名词。如:
  It began raining [to rain]. 开始下雨了。
  3. begin with sth [by doing sth] 以做某事开始。如:
  Knowledge begins with practice. 知识始于实践。
  He began by telling us a story. 他先给我讲了个故事。
  注:有时 begin 后可以有宾语。如:
  He began his talk with an apology. 他开始讲话时先作了一番道歉。
  4. to begin with 首先,在开始。如:
  We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’ve no money. 我们不去了,首先是太冷了, 另外我们又没有钱。
  The factory was quite a small one to begin with. 这家工厂开始是一家很小的厂
