[单项选择题] Steve Robinson went for a walk yesterday morning with tens of millions of people watching. A

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[单项选择题] Steve Robinson went for a walk yesterday morning with tens of millions of people watching. A walk in space. What made his

sojournWhich of the following is NOT cited by the author in his criticism of NASA’s neglect of safety

A.NASA’s allowing Discovery to fly in spite of questions about safety.

B.Launching the spacecraft from Kennedy Space Center.

C.The Columbia disaster 30 months ago.

D.The explosion of Challenger.



本题为反选细节题。在文章第四段,作者批评了NASA忽视安全第一的原则,在该局内外有人质疑安全问题时,还允许“发现号”作空间飞行,选项A与此对应,故A 被排除。在第二段和第四段里作者都提到“哥伦比亚号”的悲剧,第四段也提到“挑战者号”的悲剧,而对这些悲剧的调查都证实了NASA没有把安全放在第一位,选项C和D与此吻合,所以也均被排除。只有B项不是用来批评NASA的理由,太空飞行器在肯尼迪航天中心发射本身不构成安全问题,故选B。