Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete

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Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following

dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A. Can you recommend me some good web sites? B. Are you sure?

C. It affects children. D. Are you fond of it?

E. My friends usually contact me through them. F. What are you doing there, Ann?

G. You are very kind. H. Actually I'm crazy about it.

Bob: (56)

Ann: I'm just checking my emails. (57)

Bob: So do my colleagues. It's very convenient.

Ann: By the way, do you often get on the Internet?

Bob: Yes, I do it almost every day. What about you? (58) .

Ann: Sure. (59)

Bob: What do you usually do?

Ann. Everything, such as checking emails, chatting with friends, paying bills, etc.

Bob: Interesting. (60)

Ann: OK. If you want to buy something cheap, you can use www. cheap, com.


F,E,D,H,A56. F [解析] 这个对话是两个朋友在谈论互联网的事情。我们先看第二句 Ann 的回答:I'm checking my emails.我正在查邮件呢。由此可知56空应该是一个问Ann在干什么的句子,故答案为F. What are you doing there,Ann.(Ann,你在干什么呢?)。 57. E [解析] 很明显 57 空是一个补充说明性的句子,根据下一句 Bob 的回答:So do my col- leagues.(我的同事也是一样),我们知道 57 句应该是