indeed, he did not take the sterile and dishonest line of pretending that in every

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indeed, he did not take the sterile and dishonest line of pretending that in every war both sides are exactly the same and it makes no difference who wins.


本题考核知识点:后置定语、主语从句的翻译。该句的主干是he did not take the... line,介词短语of...做后置定语修饰宾语the line。由于定语太长,应采取拆译法,另起一句。动名词pretending后接有that引导的宾语从句。该从句由两个并列的分句组成:both sides are... and it makes...,后一分句中it为形式主语,从句who wins为真正的主语,汉语中不存在这种语法形式,因此可以直接将从句内容译为主语。词汇:line一词的含义较多,但在本