Gates and Rockefeller are similar in that

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Gates and Rockefeller are similar in that

A. both of them inherited their wealth

B. their career paths are exactly the same

C. both decided to devote to charity in their fifties

D. both made their fortunes in the same way


B逻辑分析题。由文章第二段第一句“But out of all the great philanthropists,Mr.Gates’s career path appears to closest to the oil raillionaire John RoCkefeller.”(而在所有大慈善家中,盖茨先生的事业生涯与石油大亨洛克菲勒最为相似。)可知选项B their career paths are exactly the same(他们的事业道路几乎一样)与文义最为接近。因此B为正确答案。