The chief reason why philanthropy has conic into a good stage is that

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The chief reason why philanthropy has conic into a good stage is that

A. the new money is less likely to be regarded as one's private wealth

B. Gates will devote his full attention to philanthropy

C. the welfare state would take over all the charity responsibilities

D. many new millionaires are self-made rather than inherited


A逻辑分析题。由原文“New money is less likely to be tied up in assets.making it ripe for philanthropy.”可知选项B(盖茨会将所有精力投入慈善事业);选项C(福利型国家将会承担起所有责任);选项D(许多新百万富翁都是白手起家而不是继承财产)都不合题意;只有选项A(新增的收入不再完全是私人财产)才是正确选项。