08年高考英语完形填空预测题(河北 耿建成)

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My friend Debbie’s two daughters were in high school when she experienced severe 1 symptoms. Debbie visited her family2, who told her the flu bug had passed her 3 .

4, she had been touched by the “love bug” and was now5.

The birth of Tommy, a healthy, 6 son, was an event for7, and as time went by, it seemed as though everyday brought another8 to celebrate the gift of Tommy’s life. He was sweet, thoughtful, fun-loving and a joy to be 9.

One day when Tommy was about five years old, he and 10 were driving to the neighborhood mall. As is the 11 with children, out of 12, Tommy asked, “Mom, how 13 were you when I was born?”

“14, Tommy. Why?” Debbie asked, wondering 15 his little 16 was thinking about..

“What a17!” Tommy responded.

“What do you 18 ?” Debbie inquired, more than a little puzzled. Looking at her with 19 eyes, Tommy said, “Just think of all those years 20 we didn’t know each other.”

1.A headache B near-sighted C. stomachache D. flu-like

2.A hospital B doctor C cousin D computer

3.A on B by C over D along

4.A Instead B However C Besides D Furthermore

5.A pregnant B lovely C homesick D lonely

6.A handsome B prettier C beautiful D ugly

7.A sadness B congratulation C celebration D heartbreaking

8.A cause B reason C present D medicine

9.A around B away C in D out

10.A Debbie B the sisters C Father D Grandma

11.A case B method C time D way

12.A somewhere B nowhere C anywhere D everywhere

13.A old B healthy C well D fat

14.A very healthy B Losing weight C Thirty-six D Gaining weight

15.A how B why C which D what

16.A mind B head C brain D sense

17.A wonder B shame C day D mother

18.A say B mean C think D refer

19.A love-filled B loving-filled C lovely-filled D lovely

20.A which B that C it D /


我的朋友黛比有两个上中学的女儿,这时她有了像感冒一样的症状,家庭医生检查后告诉她,她怀孕了。健康漂亮的儿子汤米的出生给这个家庭带来了欢乐。汤米五岁时的一天,妈妈驾车带着他去商场购物,汤米很天真地问妈妈生他时多大年纪,妈妈回答了他,因为想知道汤米的心理。妈妈问他为什么要问这个问题, 汤米回答道:“太遗憾了!”这个回答使母亲迷惑不解。汤米却天真地说:“想一想:有这么多年我们俩都不认识!”。一语道出了母亲的慈爱和孩子的天真。


1. D. flu-like.。下文中有提示:flu bug. 像流感一样的症状。

2 B doctor。 有了病应该去看家庭医生。

3 B by。pass by过去,擦肩而过。感冒与她擦肩而过,不是得了流感。根据下文判断:她怀孕了。pass on传递 pass over忽略, 省略 pass along沿...走, 路过

4 A Instead。 Instead有“不是…而是…”的意思。不是得了流感,而是怀孕了。However表转折,一件事情向相反的方面转变了;besides除此之外还有;furthermore此外,而且。

5 A pregnant。怀孕了。Love-bug和下文中汤米的出生提示。

6 C beautiful。可用于形容小孩子,指男孩儿长得秀气。Pretty可以修饰小孩子可爱,但这里是比较级。

7 C celebration。孩子的出生是一件值得庆祝的大事。

8 B reason。每一天都有一个庆祝汤米生命的理由。下文sweet, thoughtful, fun-loving and a joy提示。

9 A around。a joy to be around,他在场时就有乐趣。around在周围,在场;away,不在;in,在家;out,不在家。

10 A Debbie。根据下文“Mom, how 13 were you when I was born?”

11 D way。正如孩子做事的方式那样。way方式。case情况。method(科学)方法。

12 B nowhere。Out of nowhere,没有出处,没有理由。因为是小孩,出于天真,不需要什么理由。

13 A old 问年龄。根据最后一句:Just think of all those years20 we didn’t know each other。想一想所有这些年,是时间。

14 C Thirty-six。回答年龄。本题与最后一句有关。

15 D what。妈妈想知道儿子的小脑袋里在想什么。

16 A mind。Mind侧重人的心灵。Little mind 幼小的心灵里在想什么;little head侧重外形;brain侧重智力,智能。

17 B shame。遗憾。下文中提示妈妈感到迷惑不解,而孩子又嫌时间太长。

18 B mean。母亲不解,应该问“你是什么意思?”。

19 A love-filled。充满慈爱的

20 D / 。year做先行词,在后面的定语从句中做状语,关系词可用when或省略。
