
浏览 13

already/yet “已经”不同
1 . The train was __________moving when I got to the station.
2 . Have you started writing your composition ________?
3 . He has _______done his exercises.
4 . They've been there twice ________.
already 主要用在肯定的陈述句中,通常与动词的完成时连用。如:
Our visitors have come already.
already 也可用在疑问句中,常暗示说话人的“惊奇”、“意外”。如:
Have you already had breakfast?
yet 通常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用,多用于疑问句或否定句中。如:
Has she decided yet?
( Keys: 1. already 2. yet 3. already 4. already )
leave/forget “忘记”不同
1 . I've _________his address.
2 . I_________ my umbrella at home yesterday.
leave 指将某物遗忘在某个地方,其后要接表示地点的词语。如:
The little girl left her English book at home this morning.
forget 表示“忘记某物”时,不接表示地点的词语。如:
He forgot his English book this morning.
( Keys : 1. forgotten 2. left )
find/find out/look for “找到”不同
1 . I ________ my pen everywhere, but I haven't ______it.
2 . I _________the baby crying in the next room.
3 . Will you please _______where he lives?
4 . You should _________the broom before the teacher came in.
find 意思是“找到”,“发现”,“发觉”,通常指找到有形的东西,也可能指偶然发现某物或某种情况,强调结果。如:
Where did you find the pen?
find out 意为“找到”、“查明”、“发现”,多指通过探索、观察而发现,通常带有“经过困难曲折”的含义,后接无形或隐藏的东西。常跟宾语从句。如:
How can you find out who took the book?
look for 意思是“寻找”,强调动作。
( Keys : 1. looked for, found 2. found 3. find out 4. find )
every/each “每个”不同
1 . _______of the boys is going to speak at the meeting this afternoon.
2 . ______child knows it.
3 . Two boys came in. ___________boy was carrying a box.
4 . ______ one of the workers is working hard.
each 着重于个别的含义。 every 着重于全体的含义。
each 可以用来指两个以上的人或东西,但是 every 总是指三个以上的人或东西,不能指两个。
every 只能用作定语, each 不仅可以作定语,可以作主语、宾语和同位语。如:
Each has his own name.
( Keys : 1. Each 2. Each/Every 3. Each 4. Every/Each )
so / such “如此”不同
[ 高手出招 ] 1. I don't like .
2. Don't be in a hurry.
3. We had pleasant a time .
4. I don't know it was far away.
[ 一语击破 ] so 是 副词 ,用来修饰 形容词 或 副词 .如:
I am so glad to hear from my friend .
such 是 形容词 ,用来修饰 名词 (名词的前面可以带形容词,也可以不带)。如果修饰单数名词,其后需加不定冠词 a 或 an .如:
He told us such a funny story .
注意:( 1 )当单数可数名词前面有形容词时,也可以用 so ,但要注意冠词的位置。如:
He told us such a funny story . = He told us so funny a story .
(2) such 与 all , any , few , many , no , one 等连用时,要置于这些词之后,同时其后的名词不加冠词。如:
no such thing , one such woman , many such books
Keys : 1. such 2. such 3. so 4. so
none / no one “没有人”不同
[ 高手出招 ]1. has tried it yet .
2. of those buses go there .
3. — Are there any pictures in this book
[ 一语击破 ]none 表示“一个也没有”,指 全部否定 .它后面常跟 of 短语 ,指 人 、指 物 均可,用以回答 how many / how much 开头的特殊疑问句。 谓语动词 用单复数均可。
no one 表示“一个也没有”,语气较强,用来指人, 不接 of 短语 .谓语动词用第三人称 单数 形式,用以回答以 who 开头的疑问句。如:
No one knows what has happened .
None of us is / are afraid of difficulties .
Keys : 1. No one 2. None 3. None
a number of / the number of “数量”不同
[ 高手出招 ]1. A number of foreign scientists come to visit China since 1998.
A. has B. are C. have D. will
2. The number of the students in our class 45.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
[ 一语击破 ] a number of 意思为“ 许多 ……”,后接 复数名词 ,句中真正的主语是这个复数名词,故 谓语动词 要用 复数 形式。
the number of 意思为“…… 的总数 ”, number 指“数目”或“人数”,是句中真正的主语,由介词 of 引出的短语是修饰主语的定语,故 动词 须用 单数 形式。
Keys : 1. C 2.A
between / among “在……之间”不同
[ 高手出招 ]1. He is sitting Tom and John.
2. He is sitting the comrades .
3. She takes some medicine three meals every day .
[ 一语击破 ] 这两个都是介词。 between 常用于 两者 之间。 among 一般指在 三者 或 三者以上 之间。
如果指三个以上人或物中的 每两个 之间时,仍然要用 between .如:
Switzerland lies between France , Italy , Australia and Germany .
Keys : 1. between 2. among 3. between
