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1. 本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分100分,考试时间为90分钟。
1.Something ________ wrong with the car, and it ________ not start.
A. being; could B. going; should C. was; might D.went; would
2.________ the plan has been made, let’s get down to ________ it out.
A. Now that; carry  B. Because; carry C. Since; carrying  D.Now; putting
3. ---How can you borrow my computer without asking? ---Oh, I _____ to tell you. I hope you don’t mind.
A. forget B. forgot C. have forgotten D.am forgetting
4.Dad is used to smoking and drinking. There’s no chance ________ I'm able to talk him into ________.
A. whether; giving it up B. of whether; giving them up
C. that; getting rid of them D. which; stopping it
5.________ a mobile phone can you ring ________ you want to talk with anywhere.
A. Using; whoever  B. Only on; whomever C. By; whatever D. With; anyone
6. ---What do you think of French? ---In my opinion, French is _______ English
A. a subject so difficult as B. as difficult a subject as
C. as a subject difficult as D. difficult as subject as
7. On the way _______ a book, he found some of his classmates _______ in the street.
A. to buy ; knocking down B. to buy; knocking about
C. to buying ; knocking about D. to buying; knocking into
8. The most of his time he _______ was what he spared from his playing time.
A. made to learning B. took to learn
C. took to learning D. made to learn
9. ---Is there any possibility of the film _____ in Paris International Festival?
---Not in the least because audience generally think little of it.
A. trying out B. tried out C. to try out D. being tried out
10. I’m not sure what will happen during the trip. _______, I will try every possible means to get there.
A. Even though B. If so C. Anyhow D. Instead
11. Having been attacked by foreign terrorists, ________.
A. the police came as soon as possible B. warnings were given to the public
C. the doctors came to rescue the injuries D. the tallest building collapsed
12. ---Which of the two traveling plans would you like, sir? ---Oh, ________ . I don’t care.
A. none B. neither C. both D. either
13. The police arrest the criminal __________ the name of the law.
A. in B. under C. with D. by
14. Who is ________ the fire?
A. to blame for starting B. to blame to start
C. to be blamed for starting D.to be blamed to start
15. ---Do you mind if I open the window? ---________. I feel a bit cold.
A. I’d rather you don’t B. I’d rather you didn’t C. Go ahead D. Why not.
16. A decision was _______ that those who once ______ to the company in order to get a job would not be let _______.
A. made, lied, to stay B. given, lay, stay
C. done, lying, staying D. designed, laid, stayed
17.---Fined $20! You know you ______ 100KM an hour, don’t you? ---No, officer. I can’t have been. This car doesn’t do 80.
A. are driving B. have driven C. had driven D. were driving
18. In the 2004 Shanghai Industrial Fair, _______ electronic equipment, good in both quality and style, will be shown.
A. a large number of B. a good many C. masses of D. supplies of
19. Ted couldn't remember the exact date of the hurricane, but he knew it was _______Saturday because everybody was at _______ church.
A. /; the B. a; / C. /; a D. the; /
20. --- We didn't find Smith attending the lecture. --- No one_______ him about _______ a lecture the following day.
A. told; there to be B. had told, there to be
C. told; there was D. had told, there being
