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A 来源:www.examda.com

Every year in May, a two-day, all-school activity takes place. It’s the time when the whole four grades go against each other in a competitive free-for-all. The highest number of points a class can get from the games decides the winner.

All around campus, party torches were lit and put into the ground. The fire in the torch sent a glow(光亮)on faces of the students. In a moment we all flooded into the auditorium for the first event. Many people had to stand along the sides because all the rows of chairs were taken. Many of the teachers just stood by the doorway.

The competition began. Mr. Blaah announced the rules.

“The first round is the regular round where each right answer will give you 100 points. In the second round you will get 100 points if you get the right answer but will lose 200 points if your answer is wrong. The final has only one question where you get to wager some or all of your points. You will write your answer on your board. I will come by and say who got the answer right and give you or cut the points you wagered. Understand? Now I’m going to read the questions and the first light to go on at your table, the representative(代表)will say the answer. You get thirty seconds to discuss with the people at your table.”

56.Suppose the second grade class got 500 points from the first round. Now in the second round they got one answer right and one wrong. How many points would be left for them?

A.300.B.400. YCYC.500.D.600.

57.The underlined word“wager”in the last paragraph probably means“”.

A.agree to win or lose according to the result.B.add.

C.cut offD.change

58.Suppose the third grade class got 700 points from the first two rounds. Now in the final they wagered half of their points and got the right answer. How many points will they have in the end?


B 来源:www.examda.com

Like most people, you may have heard a lot about online banking but probably haven’t tried it yourself. You still pay your bills by mail much in the way your parents did, for you are probably afraid of not knowing how to deal with it . Actually, online banking isn’t out to change your money habits. Instead, it uses today’s computer technology to give you the choice of by-passing the time-consuming, paper-based ways of traditional banking in order to manage your money more quickly and efficiently.

The advantage of the Internet and the popularity of personal computers presented both an opportunity and a challenge for the banking industry. For years, financial(金融)institutions have used powerful computer networks to automate millions of daily transactions(事务,交易).Now that their customers are connected to the Internet from personal computers, banks begin to expect similar economic advantages by adapting(采用)those same internal electronic processes to home use.

Today, most large national banks, many regional banks and even smaller banks and credit unions offer some forms of online banking, variously known as PC banking, home banking, electronic barking or Internet banking. Online banks are sometimes referred to as brick-to-click banks. The challenge for the banking industry has been to design this new service channel in such a way that its customers will readily learn to use and trust it. Most of the large banks can now offer fully secure, fully functional online banking for free or for a small fee. As more banks succeed online and more customers use their sites, fully functional online banking likely will become as common as automated teller machines.

Online banking has a lot of advantages. Unlike your corner bank, online banking sites never close; they’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they’re only a mouse click away. If you’re out of state or even out of the country when a money Problem rises, you can log on instantly to your online bank and take care of business. Online bank sites generally execute and confirm transactions quicker than ATM processing speeds. Many online banking sites now offer advanced tools, including account aggregation, stock quotes, and portfolio managing programs to help you manage all of your assets(财产)more effectively.

59.According to the passage nowadays online banks are so popular, but.

A.all the consumers still prefer to pay their bill by mail

B.it can not take the place of automated tellers machines

C.many people are still worried about its safety

D.not every consumer knows how to use it

60.The writer wrote this short passage in order to tell people.

A.banks just try to use online banking instead of ATM in the future

B.how convenient online banking is

C.how to use online banking to take care of consumers’ money

D.online banking is much better than the corner banks

61.Online banking is a system.

A.that if you need money, it will help you to get it

B.that helps banks to offer better services

C.that will help consumers to save their money if necessary

D.that you can find in your personal computers

62.We can imagine in the near future.

A.online banking will be part of people’s life

B.one can not live without online banking

C.PC banking will completely take the place of home banking

D.people can only do their business through online banking
