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(text 1)M:I'd like to buy these New Year's cards. Are they two yuan each?

W: Five of them are, but the smaller one is only one yuan.

(text 2) M: Will you go to the park with me this afternoon?

W:I’m afraid I can't. Mary has invited me to see a film.

(text 3) W:Aren't we supposed to have an English test this afternoon?:

M:It has been put off because the teacher has to attend a meeting.

(text 4) M:This watch used to belong to me, but I gave it to Sam.

W:And now Sam's sister has given it to me.

(text5) M:Could you hold these bags while I look for the key to the door?

W:I'd be glad to. What's in these bags? They are extremely heavy.

(text6) M:Could you spare you a few minutes, Joe?

W:Sorry, I can't. Diana.

M:Why not?来源:www.examda.com

W:Well, I have to finish my homework right now or I'll be in trouble.

M:Really ? How soon will be through ?

W: Maybe I can finish it in two hour's.

M:That's fine. I'll see you after supper.

W:See you then.

(text 7) M:Do you speak Italian,

W:Yes, Ispeak a little Italian, Mr. Green.

M:Does your husband speak Italian, too ?

W: Yes, a little. Mr. Hopkins speaks a little Italian.

M:How well do you know German, Mrs. Hopkins ?

W:Pretty well. But I have a lot of trouble with spelling.

M:How many languages do you speak ?

W:I speak three languages . How many do you speak , Mr. Green ?

M:I speak three languages, too, but I don't speak Italian.

W:What language do you speak ?

M:I speak French, German and English.

W:Do you read and write these languages ?

M:Yes, I do. But sometimes I make mistakes in spelling.

W:So do I.

(text 8) M: So you are new here.

W:Yes, I'd like to be your secretary.

M:What work have you done before ?

W: I was a nurse for six years. And then I worked in a bank. And I’m a secretary now.

M:How long have you been a secretary ?

W:For one year. Since last September.

M:You have been a secretary for one year. In London ?

W:No, I came to London nine months ago.

M:So you've worked in London since last December.

W:Yes, that's right.

(text 9) W: Mike ! Look at the floor!

M: What's wrong with it?

W: What's wrong with it? It's dir


W:It's dirty because you never wipe your shoes.

M:I'm sorry about it.

W: What are you looking for now ?

M: My cigarettes.

W:Well, they are not here. They are in the dustbin.

M: In the dustbin ? Why ?

W: Because there's cigarette ash everywhere in the house.

M: I don t drop ash on the floor, you know.

W: Oh, yes, you do. Anyway, cigarettes are a waste of money. I hate hate them.

M:Maybe they are, but I earn the money!I work eight hours a day. Remember?

W:Well, what about my money then ?

M:What do you mean "your money "? You don't go out to work, do you ?

W:No, I don't go out to work, but I work fifteen hours a day here.

M:Well, housework is different……

W:Oh, I see……So housework is different , is it ? Housework doesn't matter ! Well, you do it then.

M:Hey, wait a minute. (Pat, pa t ……)

(textl0)you say you'll have a two-week summer holiday and decide to travel a lot and visit as many places as ! possible. I don't think it's a good! idea. I'll tell you a story-about my friend Mr. Bell. Last July he was in Europe.Europe is very beautiful ,but his holiday wasn't very nice .He visited four countries, and was in each of the countries only three days. He visited a great many museums and famous places, and was always in a hurry.Bell was' on the train or on a bus almost every day. When he returned from Europe, he was very tired.So I suggest that you spend

your !holiday in a different way. Better to travel with a friend to one country ,and visit only one city .Choose a city on the coast and you’ll be able to have a


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A possible version:

Last Saturday afternoon, I was talking a walk together with one of my friends. We were walking along the river bank near my house when we heard someone calling help from the fiver. We ran over to find a boy was struggling in the water. We jumped in and managed to pull the boy out. But he was not breathing. We started his breathing at once ,using the mouth-to-month way. When the boy came to himself, we sent him

immediately to the nearest hospital. Later we telephoned his parents and told them what had happened to the boy. We didn't leave until the parents came
