
浏览 8

第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 来源:www.examda.com
66. With the development of _______(农业), more and more rice and corn are produced.
67. Many villagers have white hair and black teeth because they have drunk the ______(污染) water around. 67_______
68. Do you think Liu Xiang will get a _______(再) Olympic gold medal in 2008?
69. “______(祝贺), Yang Wei!” You really did very well. We are proud of you.” her friends said.
70. The persistence on efforts without losing the aim will finally ______(导致) in success.
71. The heating system in the room has an ______(自动的) temperature control.
72. Though he’s a person with disability, he manages to live _______(正常) like us.
73. All of us got ______(感动) after listening to the model worker’s story.
74. The ______(贡献) Yao Ming has made to China’s basketball are spoken highly of.
75. The police let the girl go after they found out that her DNA didn’t ______(相配) the DNA they had got from the crime scene. 75_______


注意:原行没有错的不要改。 来来源:www.examda.com源:www.examda.com
Although life in the future is difficult to predict, but we can 76_______
still examine some of its major trend in the contemporary world.77_______
Transportation will become cleaner, faster and safer. The vehicles 78_______
will not pollute the environment. Helping by a computer system,79_______
people will travel in an amazing speed. Business won’t be as usual 80_______
in the future. The Internet will play an important role and the shopping 81_______
will grow a form of entertainment. People in the future will be able 82_______
to enjoy a longer, healthier and more active life. In the future, it83_______
will be more “schools on the air” and even “e-schools”. Instead being84_______
students only when we were young, we will become lifelong learners.85______
[KEY: 76.去but77.trend→trends78.√79. Helping→Helped80.in→at81.去the82. grow→become83. it→there84. being前加of85. were→are]
注意:1. 注意观点合理,适当运用较高级词汇;2. 开头已给出,但不计入总词数;3.参考词汇:priority n.优先;4. 词数:100左右。
Both health and wealth are important to us.
[One possible version]
Both health and wealth are important to us. If we are healthy, we need not frequent the hospital and worry about our death. If we are
wealthy enough, we can live comfortably, go traveling and do what we like.
Then, health or wealth, which is more important for us? People can not live without health but can without wealth. In bad health, a
student can not absorb knowledge more readily and a scientist can not achieve more success. But a person can afford to challenge all
hardship with little money if healthy. He can earn his living energetically and enjoy his efforts whatever else may happen.
In all, health is a priority over wealth. The healthier one is, the happier one will be. Only with a strong body can we manage to become
a millionaire and really enjoy our life
