
浏览 9
















例: have

A. batB. takeC. watchD. above


1. apply

A. difficultyB. busyC. modifyD. wealthy

2. moustache

A. evaluateB. awarenessC. navyD. pass

3. recently

A. commandB. concludeC. sacredD. certificate


A. motherlandB. enthusiasticC. athleticD. bother


A. originB. globeC. confirmD. governor



6. The poor girl_________ tears when she heard the sad news.

A. burst outB. burst intoC. burst inD. burst forth

7. Oh, at the end let’s have some songs that every one’s familiar_________ , then they can join in.

A. toB. withC. onD. about

8. – Can you sell the house to me?

– No, of course not. The house is to_________ .

A. hireB. employC. rentD. let

9. Mr Wang is ill, so Mr Li will take____________place of him.

A. aB. theC. /D. an

10. – How about your trip to Qingdao?

– It couldn’t have been_________. Sometimes I went swimming in the sea; sometimes I lay on the sand, bathed in sunlight.

A. so wellB. as badC. betterD. worse

11. – I’d like to take a chance and run a business.

– Do you know about the local market?_______________.

A. No problemB. Better play it safe

C. Do as you likeD. Think nothing of it

12. – A___microwave oven (微波炉) must be a big convenience to a busy couple.

–____________ , dear. But when you plan to get it.

A. Just cant’ agree moreB. A pleasureC. Good ideaD. No wonder

13. – May I speak to your manger at four o’clock this afternoon?

– I’m sorry. He____________to a conference long before then.

A. will have goneB. had goneC. would goD. has gone

14.____________ you work hard, before long, what you’re longing for must be come true.

A. So long asB. So farC. Even ifD. Now that

15.____________in the United States, St. Louis has now become the 24th largest city.

A. Being the fourth biggest cityB. Once the fourth biggest city

C. It was once the fourth biggest cityD. The fourth biggest city it was

16. These oranges taste_________ .

A. goodB. wellC. to be goodD. to be well

17. – Would you like to wait here for____________few minutes?

– No, I have bee here that long.

A. anotherB. aC. otherD. more

18. It is in Span____________ Juan Antonio Samaranch was born.

A. whereB. thatC. in whichD. which

19.Mr Smith said that his favorite sport was____________ basketball.

A. playB. to playC. playingD. played

20. It is very difficult_________ me____________English.

A. for; learningB. for;to learnC. of; learningD. of; to learn


a well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop one day. He___ 21___ that he wished to buy a pearl for his wife’s birthday. The___ 22___ didn’t matter, since business had been god for him that year.

After___ 23___ a number of beautiful and expensive pearls, he chose___ 24___ black one. It would cost___ 25___. he paid, took the black pearl, shook hands with the jeweler and left.

A few days later, the man___ 26___ and said that his wife had liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like his. It___ 27___ be exactly the same size and quality,___ 28___ she wanted to have a___ 29___ of earrings.

The jeweler seemed___ 30___. Then the man suggested that the jeweler advertise in the newspaper to___ 31___ $ 25, 000 for such a pear;. So the jeweler did.

Many people___ 32___ the advertisement, but nobody___ 33___ a pearl which was just the right size and quality. Just when the jeweler had give up, a little old lady came into his___ 34___. She took out one such black pearl___ 35___ he purse.

“I don’t like to___ 36___ with the pearl,” she said sadly. “It was given to me by my mother, who had received it from her___ 37___mother. But I really need the___ 38___.”

the jeweler was very glad and quickly paid her for the pear;. Then he called the___ 39___ to tell him the good news. However, the man could never be found.___ 40___ readers, can you guess why?

21. A. announced B. answeredC. explainedD. knew

22. A. colorB. designC. priceD. quality

23. A. examiningB. checkingC. inspectingD. watching

24. A. a bigB. a goodC. an expensiveD. an unusual

25. A. 5,000 dollarsB. 5,000 francsC. 5,000 poundsD. 5,000 yuan

26. A. arrivedB. cameC. returnedD. stopped

27. A. couldB. mustC. shouldD. had to

28. A. asB. ifC. thoughD. when

29. A. boxB. lotC. numberD. pair

30. A. joblessB. homelessC. helplessD. careless

31. A. askB. giveC. offerD. pay

32. A. answeredB. likedC. readD. saw

33. A. boughtB. hadC. soldD. wanted

34. A. roomB. houseC. officeD. shop

35. A. fromB. ofC. offD. with

36. A. dealB. goC. partD. talk

37. A. dearB. poorC. oldD. own

38. A. priceB. moneyC. poundD. tax

39. A. old lady’s officeB. rich man’s hotel

C. his neighbor’s houseD. television station

40. A. CleverB. ConstantC. KindD. Rapid
