
浏览 5

621. Some New Year’s parties begin _____ ten or eleven o’clock in the evening.

A. with B. in C. at D. on

622. He lives _______ 23 Arthur Avenue .

A. at B. in C. on D. with

623. We are ________ our desk now.

A. with B. at C. in D. on

624. The principal is ________ the door now.

A. with B. at C. in D. on

625. She usually comes back fro her work _________.

A. at noon B. in noon C. on noon D. with noon

626. He had learned English well _______ the end of six month.

A. in B. at C. though D. by

627. – I think John will win the race.

--- Yes, he started off ______ a great speed.

A. with B. at C. though D.by

628. John may win the first prize. He has started _____ the speed of 80 miles.

A. at B. of C. on D. in

629. Belva Lockwood taught school for many years and became a lawyer in 1873 _______43.

A. age B. the age C. at the age of D. she was at the age

630. He entered a university __________-.

A. when he had sixteen years

B. when sixteen years were his age

C. at the age of sixteen

D. at age sixteen years old

631. – What will you do with your apartment when you leave?

--- John will take ______ the apartment and pay the rent.

A. up B. in C. over D. along

632. When I met Jenny’s sister, I took a liking _____ her immediately.

A. to B. for C. on D. in

633. Hospital doctors don’t go out very often as their work _____ all their time.

A. takes away B. takes in C. takes over D. takes up

634. To look like one’s father is to take _____ him in appearance.

A. from B. over C. after D. for

635. Did you say that our neighbour ______ in the accident?

A. badly hurted B. was badly hurted

C. had badly hurted D. was badly hurt

636. – There is a police car in front of our neighbour’s house.

--- What do you suppose _______?

A. is happened B. has happened

C. would happen D. did happen

637. It ________ a year ago.

A. has happened B. happened

C. happens D. was happened

638. I like this warm weather. It feels _____ spring.

A. like B. as C. like as D. as like

639. He felt ________ that he should leave.

A. strong B. strongness C. very strong D. very strongly

640. The old vase will ________ an attractive lamp-holder.

A. compose B. form C. make D. be shown


641. When he was in college, he used to speak ______English language.

A. the B, / C. a D. an

642. It is the part ______ you can enjoy the show.

A. that B. where C. in which D. when

643. It is in the place _________ it was given days ago.

A.where B. that C. in which D. when

644. It was 1998 ______ he spent his first Christmas in England .

A. that B. in which C. where D. when

645. It was many many years ago _________ he paid his first visit to London .

A. that B. when C. since D. for

646. It is I who _______ on duty today.

A. am B. are C. is D. has been

647. – What were you doing when she called?

---I had just finished my work and ________.

A. was starting to take a bath B. was started to take a bath

C. to start to take a bath D. starting to take a bath

648. – You were late again this morning.

---I think you had better _____on.

A. to start to be B. start being

C. started being D. to be

649. We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no _______ for them

A. request B. claim C. requirement D. demand

650. – Why are you unhappy?

--- The other students made ________.

A. of me the fun B. fun of me

C. fun with me D. with me the fun

651. When the fire broke out, __________.

A. the house became emptying B. the house had empties

C. the house had emptied D. the house was made empty

652. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn’t _________ what color it was.

A. make out B. look to C. look out D. take in

653. – I’m leaving now.

--- Make sure ______ the door.

A. for you to lock B. to have locked

C. of locking D. you lock

654. The subject of these lectures _______ by the lecture committee.

A. announces B. have been

C. announced D. has been announced

655. Legal tender is any type of money that must, _______, be accepted in a payment of a debt.

A. law B. by law C. its law D. which law

656. – Did you feed the baby milk?

--- No, he can ________.

A. feed for himself B. feed by himself

C. eat by himself D. eat for himself

657. – Is she older than you?

--- Yes, she is older than _________two years.

A. me for B. I am by C. I for D. me by

658. My roommate lost a lot of weight ______ every day.

A. to exercise B. for exercise

C. for exercising D. by exercising

659. – How can I help you the most?

--- __________.

A. For you to stay B. To stay

C. By staying D. With your staying

660. – How did you pay these workers?

--- Well, as a rule, they were paid ________.

A. by an hour B. by the hour

C. by hours D. by a hour


661. By the time he retires, Professor Baker ____ for almost forty years.

A. will teach B. has taught

C. will have taught D. will be teaching

662. By the time he gets home, his aunt ______ for Puerto Rico .

A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left

663. “X” _______ for the unknown quantity.

A. puts B. stands C. sits D. goes

664. The old man asked her to leave because he _______-in that chair.

A. used to sit B. was used to sit

C. used to sitting D. was used to sitting

665. I _______ bacon and eggs every morning.

A. am used to eat B. used to eating

C. am used to eating D. use to eat

666. – Why was Fred so upset?

--- He isn’t used _______ criticized.

A. be B. to be C. to being D. having been

667. –It’s too bad you fell down during the race.

--- Yes, but I could never ________ the other runners anyway.

A. catch up with B. have caught up

C. have caught up with D. catch up

668. – When did you give that to Mr. Bell?

---As soon as I could last week; I ________ it to him.

A. had given B. would give C. gave D. was giving

669. – Did you have a good time?

--- Wonderful. You really gave me some excellent advice _______ the best places to visit.

A. in B. on C. above D. over

670. – Where did you get that handsome picture?

--- It was _______ by my father.

A. given for us B. a gift to us

C. given to us D. a gift for us

671. The rescue party ____ four days later when no traces of the missing hikers could be found.

A. gave up their hopes B. put away their hopes

C. cherished hope D. gave up hope

672. – Dick certainly has a bad cough.

---If he’s sensible, he will give up __________.

A. the smoking B. smoking

C. to smoke D. to be smoking

673. – Nancy sat in the front seat on the left side of the room.

--Oh? I thought she _________ in the back.

A. sat B. had sat C. is sitting D. has sitting

674. Could you tell me _______?

A. where he lives B. where does he live

C. where did he live D. where lived

675. – When will the plane arrive?

--- I will tell you when __________.

A. I have been finding out B. I find out

C. I am finding out D. I will find out

676. We are considering buying a house in Gainesville , but we want to find out ________there first.

A. what the taxes are B. what are the taxes

C. the taxes what are D. the taxes are

677. Everyone is responsible for _______ own composition.

A. his B. their C. nobody’s D. all their

678. Martin visited his aunt two days before he _____ town.

A. left B. will leave C. had left D. is going to leave

679. I will try to finish this work ________.

A. up till you can come B. before you can come

C. up to the time you are able to come D. until you come

680. – What did Mr Jones do before he retired?

--- He ______ a city bus for over twenty-five years.

A. is driving B. drove C. has driven D. drives


681. Wouldn’t it be ______ wonderful world if all nations are in ____peace with another?

A. the; / B. the; the C. a; / D. a; a

682. – I just dropped in to say hello.

--- ________.

A. It’s a pleasure B. Pleased to see you

C. You are welcome D. That’s kind of you

683. _______ in front of it, this temple really needs _________.

A. To see; repairing B. See; repairing

C. Having seen; making repairs D. Seeing; to be repaired

684. – I can’t find Tom anywhere.

---He ______his homework upstairs.

A. might have done B. must be doing

C. should have done D. is able to do

685. _______ much advice I gave him, he did what exactly he wanted.

A. No matter so B. Whatever

C. Although D. However

686. –Were all the passengers in the bus injured in the accident?

--- ______ only four who got hurt.

A. No, there are B. Yes, there were

C. No, there were D. Yes, it is

687. Nothing that he did was right, ________?

A. did he B. didn’t he C. wasn’t it D. was it

688. – What has made you so upset?

--- ______the ticket for the film TITANIC.

A. Because I lost B. Lost

C. Because of losing D. Losing

689. –When will he be back?

--- Not exactly. But it won’t be long _____ he comes back.

A. before B. since C. until D. that

690. At the center of the garden there stands a little board ________”Don’t Pick Flowers”.

A. on which writes B. that say

C. which reads D. on which is read

691. – Why are you spraying water on the ground? Didn’t it rain last night?

--- No, mum, but I wish it __________.

A. was raining B. rained C. had rained D. would rain

692. The scientist buried himself in his studies in the belief _____ they could serve the country with his knowledge.

A. when B. that C. where D. which

693. –What would you like for afternoon tea?

---________ will do.

A. Everything B. Something C. Nothing D. Anything

694. The doctor ought _______ you out of hospital so soon, otherwise, you would feel better.

A. not to have let B. not to let

C. to have not let D. not to let

695. – You were______ to give us a hand.

---Sorry. I _______ delayed by the traffic.

A. hoped; was B. hoping ; have been

C. supposed; was D. supposing; have been

696. During the Gulf War the CCTV ________the latest news in Iraq .

A. broadcast B. reported C. announced D. published

697. – Your mother is very strict with you.

---Yes, so _______ and so __________.

A. is she; is my father B. she is; my father is

C. is she; my father is D. she is; is my father

698. – This house looks beautiful, doesn’t it?

---Well, I’d rather have a house _____ to look, but ______ to live in

A. not beautiful; most comfortable

B. less beautiful; more comfortable

C. less beautiful; most comfortable

D. beautiful; comfortable

699. – What did she ________ so much money?

--- Nothing but a necklace made of glass.

A. spend on B. pay for C. buy for D. sell to

700. Don’t worry, Mary. You will ______this climate before long.

A. be fit for B. get used to

C. get along well with D. fit

