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Under a grey November sky, military and civilian survivors of Britain's wars gathered at the Cenotaph memorial to remember those who died in past conflicts.
  At the first stroke of Big Ben at 11 o' clock GMT on this cold morning, the crowd observed a two minute silence. A bugler sounded the Last Post. Then the Queen laid a wreath of blood red poppies at the foot of the stone memorial.

  Thousands of men and women, young and old, many with war medals pinned to their suits marched past the Cenotaph and saluted Prince Charles as they walked down the government district of Whitehall. Senior military officer, Air Chief Marshall, Jock Stirrup, was at the ceremony. “This day is not just about the Second World War, or about the First World War. It's about the sacrifice and the contribution of so many people over the years, right up until the present day.”

  On the outskirts of the Iraqi city of Basra, British soldiers paused for a moment. Thousands of kilometres away from home their thoughts turned towards those they left behind, both on the battlefield and at home in Britain.


  the Cenotaph memorial: a monument to honor the people who were killed

  stroke: one of the sounds which the clock makes to tell people what the time is

  observed: took part in

  a bugler sounded The Last Post: a traditional military tune was played on a bugle (a small trumpet-like instrument)

  poppies: red flowers often worn to honour people killed in war

  at the foot of: at the bottom of

  saluted: made a sign of respect by raising their hands to the side of their heads

  the sacrifice: the act of giving up something in order to help others

  outskirts: the areas that form the edge of the city
