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丽芙·泰勒(Liv Tyler)14岁到纽约开始她的模特生涯,1994年接拍第一部电影《沉默的陷阱》,随后凭借意大利导演贝托鲁齐的《偷香》,以及新世纪的《魔戒三部曲》风靡全球。 她的明星路会给我们什么启示呢?
  One of the first things you notice about Liv Tyler is just how young she is. It comes as a surprise, especially after watching her play the 3,000-year-old Arwyn in the Lord of the Rings films. But there’s no sense of mystical wisdom about Liv, and even no serious, soulful glances?鸦 she is just a 26-year-old girl with big feet and a goofy smile.

  Liv was the love child of rock star Steven Tyler and model Bebe Buell. At the time, Steven was living the rock’n’roll nightmare of drug addiction and constant touring. Rather than subject her daughter to that kind of lifestyle, Bebe split up with Steven, and Liv grew up thinking her father was Todd Rundgren, yet another of her mother’s rock star ex-boyfriends. It wasn’t until she was 10 years old that Liv learned the truth and met her biological father.

  Given this kind of upbringing, it’s remarkable that Liv’s grown up to be as levelheaded as she is. But Liv insists that her parents’unusual lifestyles are exactly the reason she’s never been in trouble. “My mother would always warn me about things that I would never do,” she says. “Things that she did. But I would never dream of doing them, because I had no interest in them.” But Liv is rocking the boat in Hollywood where her agent and directors want the 180 cm-tall actress to slim down. “I’ve been told that if I lose weight I’d have more work,” she admits. “But I refused to submit myself to Hollywood standards. To the rest of the world, I am slim and I like the way I am.”
