
浏览 8


  石家庄一中 杨晓郁


  Sensing tough competition for college admission,high school seniors in the United States are applying to more colleges than ever before.

  Some of the country's top students are applying to a dozen or more universities,in the hope of having more choices. And colleges are trying to improve their status by choosing better students.

  The admission process has been made easier by technology.Students can now apply to some colleges and even pay their fee with the click of a mouse.

  “I don't think you can afford to only have one school you really like,in case you don't get into it,”said Daniel,who applied to 11 universities.

  Large numbers of applications usually bring more than one acceptance,which is quite different from the situation for Chinese students. However,more acceptances for American students force them to make tough decisions.Samantha Sagui applied to 16 colleges.Although she was not accepted by several colleges,she still had to choose from six. Even with choices,she said,the unexpected rejection was tough.

  Admissions officers have an idea of what percentage of accepted students will actually enroll.But the battle for good students who have made a larger number of applications could mean that those expectations are wrong.“We are really worried now,”said John Mahoney,undergraduate admissions director at Boston College.“We hope we've accepted the right people to make up our freshman class.”College admissions,even at Harvard,may be more uncertain these days. Bill Fitzmons,dean of undergraduate admissions,said that only 79 percent of students accepted by Harvard enroll. Last year the school took nearly 100 students from its waiting list.

  It may be tougher to get in,but that doesn't mean students shouldn't try.“They will never get in if they don't apply.”He said.

  1.American college's admission process has been made easier by ______

  A.high school's cooperation

  B.the use of computers

  C.high school graduate's enthusiasm

  D.colleges' hard recruiting work

  2.From the article we know that college admissions in the US are more____these days.

  A.desirable B.uncertain

  C. interesting D. time-consuming

  3.On the whole,the article sounds_____.

  A.objective about America's college admissions process

  B.highly critical of America's college admissions process

  C.supportive of America's college admissions process

  D.a little critical of America's college admissions process

  答案:1.B 2.D 3.D



  The rich resources of America,along with the extraordinary growth of its industrial economy,have brought a widespread wealth of material goods such as the world has not seen before.There has been a wholesale development and diffusion(传播)of the wonders of modern comfort-swift and pleasant transportation,central heating,air conditioning,instant hot and cold water,electricity,and laborsaving devices of endless variety.The high value placed on such comforts has caused industries to produce ever greater quantities and improved versions. Americans seem to feel that they have a “right” to such comforts.

  Achievement and success are measured primarily by the quantity of material goods one possesses,both because these are abundant and because they indicate how much money an individual earns.This material evidence of personal worth is modified by the credit system; but still,credit purchases will carry an individual only so far,after which credit agencies will refuse to advance more without evidence of fundamental wealth.

  Since there is little display value in the size of one's paycheck or bank account,the average individual buys articles that others can see:expensive clothing or furniture,a fine car,a swimming pool,an expensive home,and so on.A person's status is affected to a secondary degree by his level of education,type of occupation,and social behavior;but even these qualities seem to be significant only in terms of how much income they help him to obtain.Thus,a college professor who has earned his Ph.D.will have less status in the general community than a business executive or film actor who has no college education but commands a much larger salary.

  1.The underlined part“little display value”in the third paragraph means“_____”.

  A.has a low price

  B.can't be shown to other people

  C.is too small to read D.cheap, inexpensive

  2.According to the author, the status is achieved in American culture by_______.

  A.one's level of education,type of occupation,and social behavior.

  B.how much material goods one possesses

  C.how much money one earns

  D.one's level of education as well as how much income one obtains

  3.Which of the following can be a good title for the passage?

  A.Widespread Wealth of Material Goods

  B.Americans' Way of Life

  C.A Movie Actor Has More“Status” Than a College Professor

  D. American Cultural Values

  答案:1.B 2.C 3.D

  第1题的猜词意题涉及到段落的理解,通过第3段后面的叙述看出在美国一般人通过购买的消费品向别人展示自己的地位和成功,因为支票银行账户是别人通常看不到的。所以答案是B;第2题要求对第2和第3段的内容来判断,找到各自的段落的中心。那就是在美国衡量地位和成功的标准就是挣多少钱。They indicate how much money an individual earns.(paragraph2)but even these qualities seem to be significant only in terms of how much income they help him to obtain.(paragraph3)。第3题是对全篇主题的理解,务必要用排除法。排除无关或偏离信息。
