英语拿高分: 复习概念最重要考点错点很关键

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  学英语语法也要借助学理科的方法,整理弄清语法概念,在英语语法体系中有两大“家族”,即复合句、非谓语。它们涉及面广且不易掌握,所以复习从概念入手,用概念指导复习,便于系统理解、掌握。如提出这样的两组思考问题。 什么叫复合句?



  名词性从句:主语从句、宾语从句、语从句、同谓语从句形容词性从句(定语从句)副词性从句(状语从句)名词性从句、副词性从句与形容词性从句的差异是什么?名词性从句副词性从句形容词性从句关系代词:who whom whose(还有as than but)关系副词:when where why通过比较发现,形容词性从句that为关系代词,而名词性从句that为连接词;名词性从句whose的连接代词,而且把形容词从句多了连接词those、whether,连接副词how。

  [例题]解读下列典型错误:1、I've known all what you told me.为错误句。分析:what为连接代词,应改为that关系代词,成为定语从句修饰all。而2、I've told you all what I know.为正确句。分析:此all为you同位语,what为宾语从句。3、It's known to us all that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.

  分析:that为主语从句,that不可省略(连接次that不承担句中角色,而且无意义)4、As is known that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.分析:As为定语从句的关系代词,应去掉that。

  典型句子分析:A定语从句与地点状语从句的区别:5、This restaurant is the one that we visited.定语从句

  分析:定语从句必须要有先行词和关系代词和关系副词。6、This restaurant is where we dined.地点状语从句B定语从句与强调句的区别7、———Where did you see him?———It was in the bookshop where you bought a dictionary last week.定语从句

  8、It was in the bookshop that you bought a dictionary last week.

  强调句C定语从句与同谓语从句的区别9、Have you heard the news that he will be back soon.


  10、Have you heard the news that he told me yesterday.



  什么叫非谓语?在句中不能作谓语非谓语形式几类?to do(将来)主动doing(现在)done(过去)被动3种形式告诉你什么?有时态和语态概念

  to do与doing(都可作主语、宾语、表语)区别是什么?

  to do将来暂时具体doing现在长期笼统例句:I like playing football but I like to play basketball today.

  非谓语to do与doing有哪三类的词?

  a.enjoy为例doing b.manage为例todo c.forget等5个动词,既可带to do又可带doing,但时间概念不同。

  11、Don't forget to post the letter.分析topost为将来动作。

  12、She forgot posting thel etter.分析:posting为完成动作。


  13、I mean to learn a foreign language.我打算学门外语

  14、Missing the bus means waiting for another hour.换了这班车意味着又要等一小时



  ①is he whom you met yesterday. A.that B.it C.where D.there如选择B.虽然本句为强调句。分析:把句子分成两句,追踪原始句子。

  You met him yesterday.第一步强调him放入It that结构

  who/whom第二步It is him whom you met yesterday.分析:强调句be动词应与met时态一致,因此正确句为

  It was him whom you met yesterday.综上分析,B,it选择不对。而应选A.that That is he whom you met yesterday.定语从句分析:that为指示代词,起承上作用。

  ②He can't have gone before you left,he? A.did B.can C.has D.had抓住信息源before you left。如果没有before you left选项可能为C.has。此句显然告诉我们一个过去的时间,因此选A.did。

  ③he come,please let me know. A.if B.will C.would D.should分析:选A:If应为If he comes? 选B.will,will he come? 选C.would,would he come? 显然它们都不对。

  而D.should为虚拟语气假设If he should come的倒装形式。虚拟If句中有should、had或were可省略If倒装。

  ④At no time will he come here.分析:信息源no,否定词在前需倒装
