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1._____Sunday, the students are at home.

A.Being B.To be C.It is D.It being

2.The boy lay on his back, his teeth __and his glaring eyes ___.

A.set; looked B.set; looking

C.setting; looked D.setting; looking

3.All the thing____,his proposal is of greater value than yours.

A.considered B.considering

C.to consider D.consider

4.____who she was, she said she was Mr.Johnson’s friend.

A.Asking B.Asked C.To be asked D.When asking

5.He hurried to the station,___the 9:30 train had already left.

A.to find B.found

C.only to find D.only finding

6.Which do you enjoy ___your weekends, fishing or watching TV?

A.spending B.to spend C.being spent D.spend

7.___all my letters, I had a drink and went out.

A.Finished B.Having finished

C.Finishing D.To finish

8.She had no money ___a birthday present for her children.

A.to buy with B.buying

C.bought D.with which to buy

9.From the dates___on the gold coin, it is conformed that it was made five hundred years ago.

A.marking B.marked

C.to be marked D.having been marked

10.____time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and

a thumb.

A.To save B.Saved C.Saving D.Having saved

11.O’Neal works hard.He is often seen ___heavily before his teammates start.

A.sweated B.to be sweated

C.sweating D.being sweated

12.I can hardly imagine Peter___across the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days.

A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed

13.Such___the case, I couldn’t help but _____ him.

A.being; support B.is; to support

C.has been; supporting D.be; supported

14.Does the way you thought of___the water clean make any sense?

A.making B.to make

C.how to make D.having made

15.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours__in my study.

A.locking B.locked C.to lock D.being locked

16.You will find the word “psychology” ____under “P” in your dictionary.

A.have listed B.list C.listed D.listing

17.Sandy could do nothing but ___to his mother that he was wrong.

A.admitting B.admits C.admit D.to admit

18.When I caught him cheating me, I stopped __things in his shop.

A.buying B.buy C.to buy D.bought

19.A doctor can expect___at any hour of the day or night.

A.calling B.to call

C.being called D.to be called

20.Nearly every great building in Beijing was built_ south.

A.to face B.facing

C.to have faced D.being facing

21.With his son___, the old man felt unhappy.

A.to be disappointed B.disappointing

C.being disappointed D.to disappoint

22.It was____computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

A.to have played B.playing

C.played D.having played

23.And there, almost___in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.

A.having lost B.losing C.to be lost D.lost

24.As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate___from you now and then__me how everyone is getting along.

A.hearing; tell B.to hear; tell

C.hearing; telling D.to hear; to tell

25.The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, ___ after 11 pm.

A.to stay out B.from staying out

C.staying out D.not to stay out
