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【预测热点三】 对生活有重大影响类
  主要题型为观点态度题。这类题考查同学们对文章中观点、感情、态度、目的、意图的理解。同学们要从文章的用词、语气或对某个细节的陈述来推断作者的态度、观点等。常见提问的方式有:What is the opinion of the writer in this passage?
China’s Housing Prices to Keep on Rising in 2008
BEIJING, Jan. 11th (Xinhua), a report by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) predicted that housing prices in China would keep on rising this year and the increase rate would roughly equal that of 2007.
The sale of residential buildings this year would hit 697.99 million square meters, up 2.24 percent year on year, according to the report on the prospects of the Chinese economy in 2008 released on Friday by the CAS forecasting center.
The real estate market would maintain a “good momentum,” and investment in the property sector would reach 2.54 trillion yuan (about 347.5 billion yuan), the report said.
The total floor space of “completed” buildings would drop 8.2 percent to 1.9 billion square meters in 2008, leading to a further dwindling of the housing supply, said the report, noting that the imbalance between supply and demand would be aggravated.
From January to November of 2007, housing prices in 70 major Chinese cities jumped 7.3 percent year on year. Housing prices were up at a rate of 7.3 percent in November alone, a report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) showed.
The November rate was the highest monthly gain since July 2005 when the monthly housing price survey was started.
1. What is the opinion of the writer in this passage?
A. The writer thinks the prices of houses will go down.
B. The writer thinks the prices of houses will go up.
C. The writer thinks the prices of houses will keep stable.
D. The writer just reports the facts and data objectively.
2. How many square meters of residential buildings were sold in 2007?
A. 697.99 million square meters.
B. 347.5 million square meters.
C. About 683 million square
D. It hasn’t been mentioned.
3. What was the highest monthly gain since July 2005?
A. 2.24 percent.
B. 7.4 percent.
C. 7.3 percent.
D. 8.2 percent.
  1. 答案为D。新闻报道要求客观报道事实。
  2. 答案为C。从第二自然段第一、二句,通过运算可知答案。
  3. 答案为C。从第五段的最后一句话和最后一段的第一句话可以推出答案
