高考必背英语词汇讲座 U

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1、under control, under the control of, in control (of)
  under control意指"在控制下,被控制住",是一表示被动意义的介词短语,通常用作连系动词be的表语。如果表示"在某人的控制下",亦可用under one's control来表示。under control现在常常引申为"情况正常,状况良好"的意义。例如:The fire which threatened part of the business district this morning is now firmly under control.今早危及部分商业区的这场大火,现在已被控制住了。I noticed that his legs are not well under control.我发现他的两条腿不听使唤。My oldest son is no longer under my control.我的大儿子已不服我的管教了。You can go right back to sleep now, everything's under control.你可以回去睡觉了,一切均已恢复正常。
  under the control of亦可解作in the control of,其后通常须接人或部门等名词,表示"受……控制,受……管辖"的被动意义,它一般用作表语或补语。例如:The university is under the direct control of Ministry of Education.这所大学直属教育部门管理。He was in the control of evil men who forced him to do wicked things.他受了坏人的控制,他们强迫他干坏事。 根据具体语境的不同,
  in control既可表示"控制,管理(别人)"的主动含义,亦可表示"受控制"的被动含义。如果表明被控制的对象,其后须接of短语。例如:Mr. Zhang will be in control when I am out.我外出时由张先生负责。But the next moment he had himself in control.但是他马上就控制了自己。They were
