高考必背英语词汇讲座 R4

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regretted to inform us that Xiao Lin had been severely injured.那位同志遗憾地通知我们,小林受了重伤。I regret to tell you that we cannot stay here any longer.我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能再在这儿多呆了。
5、reply, answer, respond
  reply:“回答,答复”,正式用语,指以书面形式答复,也指用行动回击,在辩论中回敬。除了后面带直接引语和that引导的宾语从句外,一般只作不及物动词。常用作拟人化,常用词组:in reply to回答,答复。I answered your letter by sending a postcard last Sunday and havebeen waiting for time to reply to it.上周我寄了一张明信片来回复你的信,此后一直等时间复信。Do you intend to reply to this attack on your character?对这种对你品行的攻击你打算回敬吗?
  answer:“回答,答复”,普通用词,常指口头回答问题,答复争论或指责,或要求给予辩护,inanswer to回答,响应。Usually you use words to answer a question but not always. You might answer by shaking your head or shrugging your shoulder.通常你用言语回答问题,但并不是总这样,你可以摇头或耸肩以示回答。These figures were given in answer to the question from the opposition spokesman.列举这些数字是为了答复*发言人的质问。
  respond:“反应,响应”,指通过口头或行动做出相关反应,并且常常是即刻地或毫不犹豫地做出反应。I should like to respond to my opponent's remarks about the government's actions.对于我的对手就政府
