高考必背英语词汇讲座 R5

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所采取的行动所说的那番话,我愿意做出答复。Is it true that antiquated legal ideas prevent the government from respondingeffectively to the demands which modern society makes up to it?过时的法律观点真的会妨碍政府对当代社会向其提出的要求做出积极的反应吗?When Martin insulted the referee, he responded by ordering him off the field.马丁辱骂裁判时,裁判以令其退出比赛场地作为答复。
6、responsibility, duty, obligation
  responsibility:“责任“,一般由于法律,职业或道德等要求而必须尽的责任,而且含有要对后果负责任的意思。常用短语有:accept/ assume/ take the responsibility 任但责任、负责任;decline all responsibility about拒绝对……负任何责任。例如:I will lend you my camera if you will assume full responsibility for it.如果你能负完全责任,我愿把照相机借给你。The manufactures disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse.使用不当而造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。
  duty:“义务,责任,职责”,通常强调由于道德、伦理、法律规定等而产生对自己及他人乃至社会的义务或责任,还指在工作中应尽的责任(常用复数)。例如:The delivery on confidential letters was a duty that he never relegated to anybody else.他从未把投递机密信件的责任推给任何其他人。The first thing to do is to acquaint yourself with your new duties and colleagues.第一件要做的事情就是熟悉你的新职务和同事。
