高考必背英语词汇讲座 L

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1、lone, lonely, lonesome, alone
  lone:“孤独的,寂寞的,无依无靠的”,该词(在诗歌中)可替代lonely或lonesome。She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach walking to and fro.她看到一个孤寂的人影在荒凉的海滩上走来走去。In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.在那多云的天空中,只能看见孤零零的一颗星。
  lonely:“孤单的,寂寞的“,但更强调指渴望陪伴的孤独感受。A lonely young sailor felt sorry for himself because his girlfriend no longer loved him.孤独的青年海员由于女友不再爱他而非常伤心。He spent many lonely days on the deserted island before that attractive girl appeared.在那个有魅力的女孩出现之前,他在那个荒岛上度过了许多寂寞的日子。
  lonesome : "无伴的,独居的",通常明确的表达分别或丧偶后的孤寂卑凉,含义较为痛切。The house she had always thought of as overcrowded was lonesome when her children grew up andwent out on their own.先前她认为这屋子过于拥挤,但当其子女出去独立生活后,显得孤寂。You must keep up your spirits, mother, and not be lonesome because I'm not at home.你一定要打起精神,妈妈,不要因为我不在家而倍感凄凉。
2、location, position, situation, spot
