高考必背英语词汇讲座 H

浏览 8

1、hair, a hair, hairs
hair指人或动物的“头发,毛发”。hair可指人或动物的全部“头发,毛发”,强调整体。作此解时,它是不可数名词。充当主语,用单数形式。如: What lovely hair the girl has!那女孩的头发真美! My mother's black hair was going gray.我妈妈的黑发正在变白。
a hair是指“一根头发或毛发”,此时的hair是可数名词的单数形式。如: I found a long golden hair on the tablecloth.我在桌布上发现一根金发。 The little boy has got a white hair on his head.这个小男孩的头上有一根白发。
hairs指“多根头发或毛发”,它是可数名词的复数形式,其前可有数词或表示数量的a few, several, many等词修饰。如: The cat has left its hairs all over my clothes.那只猫粘得我衣服上都是猫毛。 My aunt has a few gray hairs.我的婶婶已有几根白发。 
2、hand on, on hand
hand on是一动副型短语动词,一般用作及物动词,表示“传下去;转交”等意思。例如:Everyone in class should read this, so when you have finished, please hand it on.班上每个人都应把这看一下,所以你看完后,请往下传。
That family trait is handed on from father to son.那种家风是父子相传的。
Would you hand on this telegram to your friend?你把这份电报转交给你的朋友好吗?
on hand是一习语,在句中作表语或状语,意为“现有在手头的;准备好了的”和“在近处,
