What is better than the presence of mind in a railway accident?
The absence of body.
注:presence of mind镇定自若;absence of body人不在现场。
Absent 形容词
1、Not present at sth. 不在场的
Dear School: Please excuse John from being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33.
亲爱的学校,请原谅John 1月28、29、30、31、32、33不能去学校。
2、not existing, lacking 不存在的,缺少的
Money was totally absent from my past years.我一直非常缺钱。
An absent-minded professor stood in front of a mirror for two hours, wondering where he’d seen himself before.
Absent 动词:不在;不参与
I am able to absent myself from trouble five minures a day.
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