
浏览 6


1. What does the woman prefer?

A. Tea.

B. Coffee.

C. Cold water.

2. How much money did the woman give away?

A. 13 cents.

B. 30 cents.

C. 33 cents.

3. How many shirt does the man have?

A. Nine.

B. Five.

C. Seven.

4. Why was the man late?

A. He overslept.

B. He had no alarm clocks.

C. He did some shopping on the way.

5. Why didn‘t the man come to the meeting?

A. He didn‘t know that there would be a meeting.

B. He wasn’t interested in attending the meeting.

C. He didn‘t know he must attend the meeting.



6. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. At a hotel.

B. On an island.

C. In a travel office.

7. What is the man doing?

A. Planning a tour.

B. Looking for a hotel.

C. Trying to find a book.


8. What do you think the woman is?

A. A librarian.

B. A shop assistant.

C. A teacher.

9. What is the woman‘s suggestion?

A. Buying some books on computers.

B. Borrowing some magazines.

C. Asking some experts for advice.

10. What happened to the driver of the other car?

A. He was carried away in an ambulance.

B. He was nothing serious.

C. He was frightened at the news.

11. Why did the man lose control of the car?

A. Because he wanted to drive around the corner.

B. Because he hit an icy path.

C. Because he had a bet with others.

12. What did the man want to do at last?

A. To call the police.

B. To call his family.

C. To go to hospital.


13. When will they take their exams?

A. In two weeks.

B. In a year.

C. In this summer.

14. What‘s the woman’s mother tongue?

A. Chinese.

B. English.

C. Not clear.

15. What can we know the man from the dialogue?

A. The man‘s mother tongue is Chinese.

B. The man was in China last year.

C. He thinks speaking Chinese can help him learn to read and write Chinese.

16. What are they mainly talking about in the dialogue?

A. Taking exams.

B. Teaching a foreign language.

C. Planning in the summer.


17. How often is Halloween?

A. Once a year.

B. Monthly.

C. Every other year.

18. What day is Halloween?

A. December 31st.

B. November 1st.

C. October 31st.

19. Why did people dress strangely?

A. They wanted to have fun.

B. They wanted to frighten away spirits.

C. They wanted to frighten their neighbors.

20. How did people act on Halloween?

A. They acted wild.

B. They hid their houses.

C. They handed out gifts.
