
浏览 11

1. 语法知识掌握不牢固。改错题的大部分知识点都在语法上,如果语法知识掌握不牢固,改错题想得高分基本不容易。
2. 不了解设题原则。改错题的设置和解答都是必须遵循一定原则的,有的同学由于对这些原则了解不是很清楚,从而在改错时出现一个词改成了两个词,把名词改成了介词或者改变了句子原意等错误。
3. 脱离语境,没有联系上下文。由于短文改错一般是以“行”为单位而设置错误,因此有的同学常常只顾“行”,而忽略了对整句的理解。这就使得一些基础不扎实、英语能力不强的同学受到分行的影响,而不能将上下文联系起来看问题,从而闯不过人为设置的解题障碍。
4. 忽视了行文逻辑。有些同学由于基础不扎实或粗心大意,忽视对句意的理解,或者对句意模棱两可,从而导致前后逻辑混乱而失分。

1. 了解设错规律,熟悉语法答题。从历年短文改错试题来看,对词类的错误考查是一个重点。所以同学们要特别注意短文改错题错误设置的隐性规律,那就是虚词以设置增减词试题居多;实词以设置改变形式的试题居多。对句子结构的考查,是短文改错中的另外一个重点。每年的短文改错试题都会涉及句子,特别是句型的考查。所以在平时,同学们要分清主语、谓语、宾语、补语、定语和状语等6种基本句子成分及其用法。
2. 遵循改错原则,牢记解题规范。根据高考英语考试说明,高考英语短文改错题错误的改正必须遵循两个原则:①尽可能少改动,即改正错误时只能在一行中增加一词、减少一词或改动一词。如果不了解或不重视这一原则,必然会造成改对但不得分的遗憾现象。②尽可能维持原意。一些短文改错的试题乍一看好像不止一种改法,实际上根据“限度维持原意”的原则却只有一种正确改法。
3. 把握分行技巧,提高语境得分。为检测根据语境逻辑发现并改正错误的能力,短文改错题常设置有语境题。对这样的命题特点,同学们要引起特别的重视,在平时练习时学会不要以“行”为单位,而要以句,有时候甚至以段为单位通读、分析上下文,从而在语境中发现错误并改正错误。
4. 利用母语翻译,巧解语义试题。短文改错是考查同学们根据语境、逻辑改正语言错误的试题,因此同学们必须有较强的语境分析能力,然而绝大多数同学都没有用英语进行思维的习惯。因此他们不把目光放在理解语境上,而放在试题文字上,试图找到明显的语言错误。不否认这么做也能解出部分试题,但却无法解出语境试题。针对这种情况,同学们应学会用母语翻译法分析语境从而发现并改正错误。

Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we had in 1. _________
the afternoon of last Friday about the good and bad side2. _______
of setting firecrackers during the Spring Festival. 50 boy and 3. _________
40 girl students attended to the discussion. As a result, 30% of 4. ____________
them believe that setting off firecrackers certainly add pleasure 5. _______________
and joy to the festival, therefore, it was a wonderful tradition.6. ________________
But another 50% of students think that setting off firecrackers7. ________________
causes air or noise pollution, and what’s worse, it sometimes 8. __________________
causes terribly accidents to us and to our property. The other 20% 9. ___________
has never thought about it or don’t care. 10. ____________

Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm(宿舍).1. _______
Instead, they rented houses outside the school. There are 2. ____________
advantages for all. Living in a dorm can increase friendship and 3. _______
cooperation among classmates, but of course it is safer. A dorm 4. ________
is more like a society, where enables students to learn to get along with 5. __________
the each other, thus preparing for the social life later. As for renting 6. ____________
houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel freely in7. _____________
your own room without interrupted by others. As a result, you 8. ____________
can have more time and devote yourself to study wholeheartedly. 9. ___________
But there may appear a few safety problem as you live outside the school.10. ___________
Anyhow as a student, I prefer living in a dorm.

Mr. Huang is sixty years old. He has retired. He taught our 1. _________
Chemistry when we were in Senior Grade One. He was old, and2. _____________
he taught very well. He tried his best to make his classes live. Mr. 3. ________
Huang usually made good preparation for the lessons and was 4. __________
strict with us too. Each time we made mistakes in our homework, 5. __________
he would ask us to correct them. At time, I was rather poor in 6. _________
chemistry. Mr. Huang often helps me with my study very 7. __________
Patiently. As his help, I made great progress and caught 8. _______________
up with the class. He wasn’t always very kind to every student. As 9. ____________
an experiencing teacher, he was respected and loved by all 10. ___________
the students.
1. in改为on;2. side改为sides;3. setting之后加off;
4. 去掉to;5. add改为adds;6. was改为is;
7. 正确;8. or改为and;9. terribly改为terrible;
10. has改为have
1. 正确;2. rented改为rent;3. all改为both;
4. but改为and;5. where改为which;6. 去掉each other前面的the;
7. freely改为free;8. without后加being;9. study改为studying;
10. problem改为problems;
1. our改为us;2. and改为but;3. live改为lively;
4. preparation改为preparations;5. 正确;6. At 后加one;
7. helps改为helped;8. As改为With;9. wasn’t改为was;
10. experiencing改为experienced
