
浏览 7

  1. 用than引导
  It’s easier than I thought. 这比我想像的要容易。
  She sings worse than she did before. 她比过去唱得糟。
  She speaks better English than I do. 她的英语说得比我好。
  It is raining worse than it did yesterday. 今天雨下得比昨天更大了。
  The weather was worse than I had expected. 天气比我预料的坏(糟)。
  I can throw the ball farther than you can. 我可以把球扔得比你更远。
  She is now happier than she has ever been. 她现在比过去任何时候更快活。
  2. 用as…as引导
  They are as often wrong as they are right. 他们错对各半。
  He was almost as well off as myself. 他几乎像我一样富裕。
  She doesn’t work as hard as me (as I do). 她不像我那样用功。
  He was as peevish as an old woman. 他像老太婆那样爱发牢骚。
  French is as familiar to him as English. 他对法语就像英语一样熟悉。
  You know as much about that as I do. 这一点你知道得和我一样多。
  I haven’t done as much as I should have liked. 我没有干得我希望的那么多
