
浏览 5

1、程度副词 (quite, rather, fairly)
  ★ quite: 不修饰比较级,但: He is quite better.
  ●表示程度,和可显示程度的词连用,如:old, interesting, polite, tired, etc.
  如:perfect, impossible, different, etc. 此时,可修饰adj., adv., v.,等.
  The job is quite impossible.
  That’s not quite what I want.
  ★rather: 可与比较级及too 连用 rather older, rather too many people
  ●rather than 表示选择,“宁愿(前面)不愿(后面)”
  I’d prefer to go in August rather than in July.
  I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.
  ●or rather   表示“更确切地说“
  I’ll meet him, or rather, I’ll ask him to meet me.
  ★fairly: 不可与比较级连用,与积极意义的词连用
  very → rather → quite → fairly → not
  This film is very good. (rather good 胜过多数影片;
  quite good 值得一看; fairly good 勉强还可以看看)
  2、频度副词(often, usually, always, ever, never, seldom, hardly 等放在行为动词前、系动词及助动词后
  He is always making a joke.
  ●never, hardly, seldom等放在句首时,用倒装
  Never have I seen anything so wonderful as that.
  ---He is late again. ---Yes, he always is.
  3、too much much too
  ●too much
  ① + 不可数名词,意思“太多”
  I drank (far much, a lot , a little, rather) too much beer last night.
  ②作 adv.
  You work too much.
  ③作 pro.
  Too much was happening all at once.
  ●much too + adj. “实在太…”
  You are much too kind to me.
  ● ① deep / deeply deep into the night (the woods, the future)
  be deeply moved (hurt, sorry) deeply regret
  ② late / lately / later / latest arrive (come) late
  What have you been doing lately ?
  ③ near / nearly go (come, live) near nearly finished (midnight)
  ④ loud / loudly / aloud
  ● --adj. --adv.
  an early train a fast driver hard work a deep hole
  arrive early drive fast work hard drink deep
