
浏览 10


Professor Christina walked out of the lab and she was followed by many students。(一般表达法)


Professor Christina walked out of the lab,followed by many students。



Professor Christina walked out of the lab,with many students following her。(高档表达法)



Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten。(一般表达法)


Once seen, it can never be forgotten。(较高表达法)




Because he was lonely and unhappy, he began to think about how to leave that place。(一般表达法)


Lonely and unhappy, he began to think about how to leave this place。(高档表达法)



Because he was cold and hungry, the old man fell on the ground。



Cold and hungry, the old man fell on the ground。(较高表达法)

(保留状语从句的表语形容词cold and hungry做状语,修饰谓语动词fell。)
