Which of the following statements are true about Simulated annealing algorithm?以下关于模拟退火算法的陈述哪些是正确的?

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Which of the following statements are true about Simulated annealing algorithm?以下关于模拟退火算法的陈述哪些是正确的?

A.The inner loop of the simulated annealing algorithm is quite similar to hill climbing.模拟退火算法的内循环与爬山法非常相似。

B.The inner loop of the simulated annealing algorithm is very different from hill climbing.模拟退火算法的内循环与爬山法完全不同。

C.Instead of picking the best move, simulated annealing algorithm picks a random move.模拟退火算法不是选择最佳行动,而是选择随机行动。

D.Instead of picking the random move, simulated annealing algorithm picks a best move.模拟退火算法不是选择随机行动,而是选择最佳行动。


答案:The inner loop of the simulated annealing algorithm is quite similar to hill climbing.模拟退火算法的内循环与爬山法非常相似。;Instead of picking the best move, simulated annealing algorithm picks a random move.模拟退火算法不是选择最佳行动,而是选择随机行动。