
浏览 31

一亩三分地里, In the field住着一条蓝色的鱼, is there a blue fish蓝色多瑙河的蓝色。 and地里一块粉色的石, a pink rock粉红女郎的粉色。 他们相遇, When they met the first time彼此不经意的微笑, they smiled slightly自己都没有察觉。 They don’t know they smile第二次见面, When they met the second time他们聊人生, they talk about life想离开这一亩三分地, they want to go to the sea移民到大海里。 Leaving from the fields于是 then石学会了走路, rock learned walk and could walk now鱼儿学会了游泳, fish learned swimming and could swim now他们因为有专业技能, Because they have professional skills移民申请批准, Their immigration applications are approved终于来到了大海。 At last they reach the sea接着, then他们聊人生。。。。。。。 they talk about life…… (责任编辑:副主编)
