
浏览 14


标准就是 你对他的看法啊


这几首诗水平怎么样?rn能帮助翻译一下吗?rnrnyou must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind, rnyou must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart, rnand i am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always…..rnrnIf you drop me i will break if you hold me i will shakernif you need me i will hurry, if you donx27t call me i will worryrnif you hurt me i will cry but if you leave me i will die. rnrnDonx27t shut love out of your life by saying itx27s impossible to find.rnThe quickest way to receive love is to give;rnThe fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;rnAnd the best way to keep love is to give it wings.这首还比较流畅,译文如下:你必须是一个很好的运动员,因为你总是在我的脑海里运行,你必须是一个很好的小偷,因为你已经偷走我的心,而我总是一个坏的射手,因为我想念你永远... ..如果你把我,我将打破,如果你持有我,我会动摇如果你需要我,我会着急,如果你不给我打电话,我会担心如果你伤害了我,我会哭泣,但如果你离开我,我会死。不要关闭爱说这是不可能找出你的生活。最快捷的方式接受爱是给予;在失去爱最快的方法是进行得太紧;而最好的方式让爱就是为它的翅膀。


需要一首适合九年级学生的英文诗,内容要很美,最好不要带有关于什么爱情的。我要作为演讲稿。不要太长、也不要太短了,差不多适中就行了,生词不要太多了,我这人很懒的,懒得去一个个去翻译。如果必须的话,有一点点生词也行。对了,还要带有翻译。谢了~I believe, for every drop of rainthat falls, A flower grows...I believe that somewhere in thedarkest night, A candle glows...我相信,每个雨滴飘落就有一朵花儿生长……我相信,即使最漆黑的夜晚也会有蜡烛发出明亮的光I believe for everyone who goes astray, Someone will come,to show the way, I believe, I believe...我相信,每个迷途的人都会有人给他指路我相信,我相信……I believe, above the storm the smallest prayer, Will still be heard...I believe, that someone in that great somewhere, Hears every word...我相信,即使暴风雨在狂怒咆哮最微弱的祈祷也会被听到……我相信,有人在某个伟大的地方听到了每一个字……Every time I hear a newborn baby cry,Or touch a leaf, or see the sky,Then I know why, I believe!每当听到新生儿的哭声或触摸一片叶子或凝望天空我就知道为何会这样,我相信!Every time I hear a newborn baby cry, Or touch a leaf, or see the sky,Then I know why, I believe!每当听到新生儿的哭声或触摸一片叶子或凝望天空我就知道为何会这样,我相信!英文诗个优美是给人一种很美的享受陶冶人的情操,多读读英文诗AutumnAutumn’s coming.She is in a yellow dress.She is coming across the fields. The fields are yellow now. The wheat is smiling. There are some farmers on the fields. They are processing the wheat.Look at the trees, there are many birds singing in the trees. Animals are dancing under the trees.They are happy!The sky was blue and clean. Many white clouds are in the sky. They look like many sail boats.Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed.Autumn is bewitching. I love autumnIf by life you were deceived Don't be dismal,don't be wild In the day of grief,be mild Merry days will come believe Heart is living in tomorrow Present is dejected here In a moment,passes sorrow That which passes will be dear请问你的演讲主题是什么?起码也说个大概吧。。。


eir task, when Mr. Younger, the owner, comes aboard.live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an a
