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正确答案布达拉宫 简介  1994年12月初,西藏拉萨布达拉宫被列入《世界遗产名录》。  布达拉宫在西藏拉萨西北的玛布日山上,是著名的宫堡式建筑群,藏族古建筑艺术的精华。  布达拉宫始建于公元7世纪,是藏王松赞干布为远嫁西藏的唐朝文成公主而建。在拉萨海拔3,700多米的红山上建造了999间房屋的宫宇--布达拉宫。宫堡依山而建,现占地41万平方米,建筑面积13万平方米,宫体主楼13层,高115米,全部为石木结构,5座宫顶覆盖镏金铜瓦,金光灿烂,气势雄伟,是藏族古建筑艺术的精华。被誉为高原圣殿。  布达拉宫是历世达赖喇嘛的冬宫,也是过去西藏地方统治者政教合一的统治中心,从五世达赖喇嘛起,重大的宗教、政治仪式均在此举行,同时又是供奉历世达赖喇嘛灵塔的地方。  布达拉宫依山垒砌,群楼重迭,殿宇嵯峨,气势雄伟,有横空出世,气贯苍穹之势,坚实墩厚的花岗石墙体,松茸平展的白玛草墙领,金碧辉煌的金顶,具有强烈装饰效果的巨大鎏金宝瓶、幢和经幡,交相映辉,红、白、黄三种色彩的鲜明对比,分部合筑、层层套接的建筑型体,都体现了藏族古建筑迷人的特色。布达拉宫是藏式建筑的杰出代表,也是中华民族古建筑的精华之作。  宫殿的设计和建造根据高原地区阳光照射的规律,墙基宽而坚固,墙基下面有四通八达的地道和通风口。屋内有柱、斗拱、雀替、梁、椽木等,组成撑架。铺地和盖屋顶用的是叫“阿尔嘎”的硬土,各大厅和寝室的顶部都有天窗,便于采光,调解空气。宫内的柱梁上有各种雕刻,墙壁上的彩色壁画面积有2,500多平方米。  宫内还收藏了西藏特有的、在棉布绸缎上彩绘的唐卡,以及历代文物。布达拉宫在1961年被列入全国重点文物保护单位,1989年进行了全面的修建。  传说这座辉煌的宫殿缘起于公元七世纪,当时西藏的吐蕃王松赞干布为迎娶唐朝的文成公主,特别在红山之上修建了九层楼宫殿一千间,取名布达拉宫。由松赞干布建立的吐蕃王朝灭亡之后,古老的宫堡也大部分被毁于战火,直至公元十七世纪,五世达赖建立噶丹颇章王朝并被清朝政府正式封为西藏地方政教首领后,才开始了重建布达拉宫,时年为公元1645年。以后历代达赖又相继进行过扩建,于是布达拉宫就成了今天规模。  宫宇叠砌,迂回曲折,同山体有机地融合,这是布达拉宫给人最为直接的感受。其外观有13层,自山脚向上,直至山顶。整体建筑主要由东部的白宫(达赖喇嘛居住的部分),中部的红宫(佛殿及历代达赖喇嘛灵塔殿)及西部白色的僧房(为达赖喇嘛服务的亲信喇嘛居住)组成。在红宫前还有一片白色的墙面为晒佛台,这是每当佛教节庆之日,用以悬挂大幅佛像的地方。  作为藏传佛教的圣地,每年到布达拉宫的朝圣者及旅游观光客总是不计其数。他们一般由山脚无字石碑起,经曲折石铺斜坡路,直至绘有四大金刚巨幅壁画的东大门,并由此通过厚达4米的宫墙隧道进入大殿。  在半山腰上,有一处约1600平方米的平台,这是历代达赖观赏歌舞的场所,名为“德阳厦”。由此扶梯而上经达松格廓廊道,便到了白宫最大的宫殿东大殿。有史料记载,自1653年清朝顺治皇帝以金册金印敕封五世达赖起,达赖转世都须得到中央政府正式册封,并由驻藏大臣为其主持坐床,亲政等仪式。此处就是历代达赖兴行坐床,亲政大典等重大宗教,政治活动的场所。  红宫是达赖的灵塔殿及各类佛堂。共有灵塔8座,其中五世达赖的是第一座,也是最大的一座。据记载仅镶包这一灵塔所用的黄金就达11.9万两之多,并且经过处理的达赖遗体就保存在塔体内。西大殿是五世达赖灵塔殿的享堂,它是红宫内最大的宫殿。殿内除干隆御赐“涌莲初地”匾额外,还保存有康熙皇帝所赐大型锦绣幔帐一对,为布达拉宫内的稀世珍品。传说康熙皇帝为了织造这对幔,曾专门建造了工场,并费工一年才得以织成。从西大殿上楼经画廊就到了曲结竹普(即松赞干布修法洞),这座公元七世纪的建筑是布达拉宫内最古老的建筑之一,里面保存有松赞干布、文成公主及其大臣的塑像。红宫内的最高宫殿名叫萨松朗杰(意为胜三界),其中供奉清干隆皇帝画像和“万岁”牌位。大约自七世达赖格桑嘉措起,各世达赖每年藏历正月初三凌晨都要来此向皇帝牌位朝拜,以此表明他们对皇帝的臣属关系。  今天,人们眼中的布达拉宫,不论是它石木交错的建筑方式,还是从宫殿本身所蕴藏的文化内涵看,都能感受到它的独特性。它似乎总能让到过这里的人留有深刻的印象。统一花岗石的墙身;木制屋顶及窗檐的外挑起翘设计;全部的铜瓦鎏金装饰,以及由经幢、宝瓶、摩羯鱼、金翅鸟做脊饰的点缀……这一切完美配合使整座宫殿显得富丽堂皇。大殿内的壁画亦算是布达拉宫内一道别致风景,在这堪称巨型绘画艺术长廊内,既记载有西藏佛教发展历史,又有五世达赖生平,文成公主进藏过程,还有西藏古代建筑形象和大量佛像金刚等等,说它是一部珍贵的历史画卷毫不为过。  独特的布达拉宫同时又是神圣的。因为每当提及它时都会很自然地联想起西藏。在人们心中,这座凝结藏族劳动人民智慧又目睹汉藏文化交流的古建筑群,已经以其辉煌的雄姿和藏传佛教圣地的地位绝对地成为了藏民族的象徵。  In 641, after marrying Princess Wencheng, Songtsen Gampo decided to build a grand palace to accommodate her and let his descendants remember the event. However, the original palace was destroyed due to a lightening strike and succeeding warfare during Landama’s reign. In seventeenth century under the reign of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Potala was rebuilt. The Thirteenth Dalai Lama expanded it to today’s scale. The monastery-like palace, reclining against and capping Red Hill, was the religious and political center of old Tibet and the winter palace of Dalai Lamas. The palace is more than 117 meters (384 feet) in height and 360 (1180 feet) in width, occupying a building space of 90 thousand square meters. Potala is composed of White Palace and Red Palace. The former is for secular use while the later is for religious.  The White Palace consists of offices, dormitories, a Buddhist official seminary and a printing house. From the east entrance of the palace, painted with images of Four Heavenly Kings, a broad corridor upwards leads to Deyang Shar courtyard, which used to be where Dalai Lamas watched operas. Around the large and open courtyard, there used to be a seminary and dormitories. West of the courtyard is the White Palace. There are three ladder stairs reaching inside of it, however, the central one was reserved for only Dalai Lamas and central government magistrates dispatched to Tibet. In the first hallway, there are huge murals describing the construction of Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple and the procession of Princess Wencheng reaching Tibet. On the south wall, visitors will see an edict signed with the Great Fifth’s handprint. The White Palace mainly serves as the political headquarter and Dalai Lamas’ living quarters. The West Chamber of Sunshine and the East Chamber of Sunshine lie as the roof of the White Palace. They belonged to the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and the Fourteenth Dalai Lama respectively. Beneath the East Chamber of Sunshine is the largest hall in the White Palace, where Dalai Lamas ascended throne and ruled Tibet.  The Red Palace was constructed after the death of the Fifth Dalai Lama. The center of the complicated Red Palace is the Great West Hall, which records the Great Fifth Dalai Lama’s life by its fine murals. The scene of his visit to Emperor Shunzhi in Beijing in 1652 is extraordinarily vivid. It also has finely carved columns and brackets. The hall has four additional chapels. The West Chapel houses three gold stupas of the Fifth, Tenth and Twelfth Dalai Lamas’. Their mummified and perfumed bodies are well kept in those stupas. Among the three, the Fifth Dalai Lama’s stupa is the biggest, which is made of sandalwood, wrapped in gold foil and decorated with thousands of diamonds, pearls, agates and others gems. The stupa, with a height of 14.86 meters (49 feet), spends more than 3,700 kilograms of gold. The North Chapel contains statues of Sakyamuni, Dalai Lamas and Medicine Buddha, and stupas of the Eighth, Ninth and Eleventh Dalai Lamas. Against the wall is Tanjur (Beijing edition), a most important Tibetan Buddhist sutra sent to the Seventh Dalai Lama by Emperor Yongzheng. In the East Chapel a two meters (6.5 feet) high statue of Tsong Khapa, the founder of Gelugpa which is Dalai Lama’s lineage, is enshrined and worshipped. In addition, about 70 famous adepts in Tibetan Buddhism surround him. The South Chapel is where a silver statue of Padmasambhava and 8 bronze statues of his reincarnations are enshrined. On the floor above, there is a gallery which has a collection of 698 murals, portraying Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dalai Lamas and great adepts and narrating jataka stories and significant Tibetan historic events. West of the Great West Hall locates the Thirteenth Dalai Lama’s stupa hall. Since he was regarded as great as the Great Fifth, people started to build his stupa after his death in the fall of 1933. Taking three years, the stupa is comparable with the Great Fifth’s stupa. It is 14 meters (46 feet) in height, coated with a ton (2200 pounds) of gold foils. In front of it is a mandala made of more than 200,000 pearls and other gems. Murals in the hall tell important events in his life, including his visit with Emperor Guangxu. The highest hall of Potala was built in 1690. It used to be the holy shrine of Chinese Emperors. Dalai Lamas would come here with his officials and high lamas to show their respects to the central government annually before.